Tag Archives: Digital Media

Top 10 eCommerce marketing ideas that will improve your ROI in 2020

eCommerce is definitely a multibillion-dollar industry. Every year, this industry sees massive changes. Online stores are exploding at a rapid pace. However, this trend can be easily misread. This is because consumers keep changing their demands, search algorithms are improved, and businesses are coming up with newer products. All of these call for changes in your marketing strategy. With this being said, here are a few important factors you should consider for an effective eCommerce store marketing experience. 

1. Pay per click or Paid Ads 

1.1. Google Shopping ads

Google is a premium platform for posting your advertisements. When compared to traditional text-based PPCs, these ads are rich in content. You show pictures, reviews, and the price to customers. This is what makes Google’s PLAs truly useful. When your product range is huge, you can use Google Merchant Center and build stunning advertisements. To enjoy an edge in this platform, you need ads that are of high quality.

1.2. Display Advertising

This technique works well only when your content matches with what the customers want. In a conventional blog post, customers are flooded with lots of information. Many times, readers focus on what they want and skip the rest. This is why you need to talk with the customer’s language in mind. And, the ad should be posted at the right time. Remember, the ad should not be an intrusion. Instead, it should add more value to the customer. 

1.3. Retargeting Ads

Moving on, you need to make use of retargeting. This is offered by few Advertisement networks. These platforms will allow you to display advertisements in front of people who have responded to your site. Often, retargeting can increase your conversion rates by two times. When you retarget, you need to focus on customer demographics. And, keep an eye on the behavior of your clients and their interests!

2. Content marketing

2.1. Video content

Video has turned into everyone’s most favorite piece of content! When compared to text, online users are after video content. This is why more than 85% of businesses make use of videos for better ROI. In places where text cannot convey all the information, videos are used. Videos enjoy an edge because they can inspire viewers to try things out. The following steps are much easier than reading text.

Remember, a good video can keep customers engaged in your website much longer. 

2.2. Blog posts

The actual size of your blog doesn’t make a big difference. But, this is less likely to have an impact on eCommerce customers.

Your blogs should be focused on general news, and deals on your storage space. Never compromise on your blog quality. You must include images that can be pinned. And, you must load your blogs with information, advice, and tips on how to use your products (or services). Aim your audiences, and match the blogs with the actual voice of your brand. 

2.3. Interactive content

In general, your eCommerce store has to be interactive. Customers should be able to drill, turn, and try products. If none of these things can be performed on your site, you are missing a big deal. With the help of interactive content, customers will be able to establish a bond with your content. As a result, they will have a good connection with your brand! 

3. Delivery and unboxing experience 

3.1. Shipping Box design

Now, you might be curious to know if the shipping box design plays a role in your marketing strategy! Well, it certainly does. The box should be designed with your brand’s vision and mission in mind. It must blend with your marketing tone. For example, if your product is funky, and meant for the millennial era, you need a box that is cool as its target audience. Box designs are always about branding. This is how consumers will identify and recognize your brand in the first place.

3.2. Coupon codes inside the box

Moving on, you need to focus on coupon codes and deals. Who doesn’t love to use deals? Who would say no to free online treats? When customers choose to buy repeatedly from your company, you need to appreciate them. Give them a reason to return to your website. This is where vouchers and coupons become useful. Along with these materials, you need to share details about your upcoming products and releases too! 

3.3. Unboxing experience

Moving on, you must give your customers a special unboxing experience. Do you know that YouTube has many channels on this topic? This has evolved into a powerful form of marketing. This is a way of reinforcing your band’s identity. Very rarely would you find this item in eCommerce marketing ideas? Well, a brand new unboxing experience can actually make a big difference. 

4. Email marketing 

4.1 New customer emails

If a new customer chooses to buy from your business, you must not hesitate to greet them with a quick email. Ensure that there are multiple emails. When compared to single email channels, multiple flows are much more useful and effective. The email should be to the point. Give it a simple subject. And, don’t forget to kick start with content relevant to your brand. This would be a great place for your how-to videos. 

4.2 Browsing follow up emails

Turning existing customers into loyal ones is important. Likewise, you need to target customers who browse your store but never buy. These customers need to follow up on emails. The email should encourage them to buy. You could include deals and vouchers in the email. The email has to be sent after a while. Sometimes, it would be wise to filter contacts and follow only existing customers. 

4.3 Abandoned cart emails

Has a customer abandoned the cart? What made them turn away? How will you attract this customer back to your website? This is where follow up emails prove to be useful. On average, abandoned carts sum up to 75 trillion USD every year. 

This is considered as the biggest hole in any e-commerce website. Abandoned cart emails can fix this issue. The email should be sent a little later. It should have high-quality images of the products. And, use the right tone to appeal to customers once again. 

4.4 Targeted offers 

The moment you understand more about your customers, you can make targeted offers. Ensuring that customers are given what they want to see, and buy will increase your ROI. Some customers what discounts. In such cases, you need to provide them with exquisite deals. Match the offers with care. For instance, a woman looking for shoes is likely to have a dress in mind. Try to understand this flow. Likewise, include supplementary materials that speak about the usefulness of your products.

5. On-site marketing 

5.1 Forms

Throughout your website, you are likely to have formed. Forms are used to sign up. There are special forms for checkout. And, there are more forms for a subscription. Customers are known for dealing with forms all the time. But, if your forms are not placed correctly, or designed properly – you can annoy them. Marketing forms is important, as it influences customer behavior. 

5.1.1 Design Factors

Most of the time, customers access websites from their mobile devices. Typing in these devices can be difficult. This is why fields should be chosen with care. Email and name are two crucial pieces of information. You can get rid of optional fields like “type”. 

Incorporate all the essential fields on a single screen. In addition to gathering information, you may have to present some details too. Often, customers hate missing details like postage charges or delivery time. Keep the forms simple, but increase the efficiency of how you process information. 

5.2 Email signups

Getting customers into your email list is as important as Making them buy. Members in your email list can turn into customers someday. When customers choose to sign up forcefully, you end up with wrong email addresses. Many times, your emails will be ignored. This is why customers need to sign in willingly. To achieve this, you need to raise the signup request based on customer behavior. 

5.3 Product page

5.3.1 Copy Page

Product pages should focus on the actual concern of your customers. They should carry all the relevant details. The entire message needs to be conveyed in 40 to 100 words. Try to avoid boring old language. You don’t have to get clever. Instead, stick to what the product is, and does. If there is too much detail, hide it within a “Read More” section. 

5.3.2 Images

mages are as important as text descriptions. However, your images don’t need to exciting. Always copy and show only what the people want to see. It doesn’t need to be loaded with animations. Most e-commerce websites have a primary image and secondary thumbnails for products. The thumbnails should be of good quality. Customers should be able to see the picture clearly, without opening it. When there are too many images, build them together in a slider. 

5.3.3 Product Videos

When you incorporate videos in your e-commerce website, it should go out of focus. Always keep it in the top half of the page. When viewers access your page from mobile devices, they should be aware of the video’s existence.

It is important for them to “view” the video. And, you must steer clear of autoplay. This is a big no-no. Autoplay violates the basic principles of user interface design. The videos should always be short, meaningful, and easy to spot! 

6. Selling through social media 

6.1 Instagram

There is a myth that only lifestyle ventures can thrive in platforms like Instagram. But, the truth is, any business with stunning photographs about its services and products can be successful on Instagram. This social media site is a soft seller. The platform needs to be used for customer engagement and awareness. When people identify your business, they will start to follow you. To increase exposure, you need to use plenty of hashtags. 

6.2 Facebook

Selling products through Facebook always begins with a Facebook page. With time, this will turn into a Facebook shop! You need to use the page for directing traffic into the shop. Facebook has paid advertisements. These ads can generate eight times your investment. For targeting on Facebook, you need to make use of custom audiences. Remember, businesses with loads of creativity will be able to drive maximum traffic to their Facebook pages.

 6.3 YouTube

Moving on, you have YouTube to market your online videos! The bond between YouTube and video marketing is inevitable. Both these platforms are essential for any business. When you choose to post videos on YouTube, don’t forget to fill the description form. And, you must make sure that the videos are both crisp and meaningful. 

7. Market your business beyond geographic boundaries 

Moving on, you need to find ways of marketing your business beyond traditional geographic boundaries. In the beginning, this might sound very difficult. But, this is essential. Targeting audiences within a specific region becomes simple when you are aware of their personas. 

However, replicating these learnings on a bigger scale is difficult. Yet, you need to find a way of achieving it. Try to understand more about what drives your business forward. Stick to theories that have never failed in your locality. And, be aware of why people visit your website often. 

8. Highlight Reviews 

The talk about marketing and business promotions will be incomplete without reviews. google customer Reviews can be categorized into two types. You have the positive ones and the negative ones. 

Either way, it is important for you to be appreciative of the time your customers invested on your website. When a negative review is posted, spend some time, and pull together a potential solution. And, when there are positive reviews, stay grateful. 

9. Optimize your Voice Search 

The way online industries work is changing on a daily basis. If you wish to fall in line with the pace of SEO, you need to consider voice searches. these searches have changed the way the internet works. When compared to text or video-based searches, voice demands for technology. Indeed, SEO has changed drastically to accommodate voice-based searches. 

When you master the voice searches, you will be able to drive more traffic towards your website. In the long run, you will experience an edge in the industry. 

10. Influencer Marketing 

Last but certainly not least, you need to try influencer marketing. This is where you rely on the fame of people who have already excelled in your industry. Ask them to spread the news about your business. This might be the most trivial way of using influencer marketing. But, there are many other methods too. For example, you can ask influencers to write guest posts. 


On the whole, eCommerce marketing is a challenging game. All the ideas mentioned in this post are effective, but they need to be tested. You need to choose the right methods for your business, and start experimenting on them. Undeniably, you are bound to see a better ROI in the long run.

Read other article How to Delete Flipkart account?

Author Bio

AdNabu helps improve sales in Google Ads for eCommerce companies. If you are running the search, shopping, or display campaigns in Google Ads, This software will be able to increase your sales. Sign up today for a 14-day free trial from here.

Corona Crisis Management-How Brands are Harnessing the Power of Digital Media

The pandemic COVID 19 has pulled the proverbial rug from under us. Each day we wake up to a new altered landscape as an indicator of things to come. For brands, businesses & entrepreneurs, the coronavirus has changed life forever. We observe a change of behaviors is among clients and customers, the way they communicate, shop & react is different now.

In these unprecedented times of rapid change when one-third of the world’s population is under quarantine, businesses are confronted with two significant questions: how to respond during the pandemic, and, looking ahead, what changes in consumer behavior to expect because of a prolonged lockdown. 

We all talk about the digital revolution and how businesses will function in the digital age during challenging times. Does this mean the is future here? Hasn’t a little virus scared us to do business differently!

I don’t want to contribute to the negative literature on the topic – of which there is a lot. The facts are bleak, however, in the crisis’s wake brands have been turning to digital media strongly.

Has digital media turned out as a lifeline for businesses during coronavirus pandemic?

Some businesses may be affected mildly, some may adapt and hunker down until things stabilize. And then there are the businesses that may benefit from the corona crisis—the law of nature, it’s a jungle out there and the strong will survive. Ah, the word, survive! In tough times people survive the most horrendous circumstances by adjusting, being adaptable, and focusing on the basics.

The lifeboat here is digital media. For a business to survive in this critical, life-altering condition of the coronavirus disease, it is the time to switch to digital media—and in doing so, stay connected to clients, building strong customer relationships, and to learn innovative ways of communication. Actually, your potential audience has never been more captive than it is right now. Everyone is at home following social media feeds for updates and messages of hope.

Harness power of digital media marketing

For the business that can harness the power that is marketing on digital platforms, the opportunity is now and ripe for the picking. Secure your customers after the crisis by well-orchestrated strategies that enable brands to keep connected to their customers in the tough times. This can be achieved by providing credible, informative, relevant feeds, sincere information, and useful content, and potentially solving their problem.

Digital communication will help to march forwards. Although it was always on the cards with many businesses. But those businesses now have the opportunity to grab the lifeline that the digital-age affords them in this difficult time in our economy who either ignored the signs or have made half-hearted attempts at joining the digital revolution.

Traditional marketing takes a hit

Since the government has already called for a nationwide lockdown and as we have seen the same in other countries. Advice to stay home and limit all unnecessary outings seems to lead to a decrease in out-of-home ad spend. Brands are focusing on online digital ads instead. People have to stay indoors so some TV executives are predicting huge increases in ad spend as consumers got to stay inside.

Increase in online marketing

We can predict that there will be a huge increase in the digital ad in the coming months as consumers will naturally spend more time online, especially choosing to shop online versus leaving the house. As people are working from home more, and avoiding traveling, we may expect to see an increase in mobile and social opportunities. People are free from the watchful eye of their workplace manager so they will check their phones more frequently. Also, 6 out of 10 of us are checking the news more frequently!

Social media ad spend is set to increase

Social platforms are likely to increase due to the inflated use of social media. It has now become a daily routine as people are on their phones, looking for engaging content to keep them busy. They are trying to tackle self-isolation, social media helps them to keep grounded, give them a sense of community, and regular updates on the global corona rises. It is playing a vital role in communicating with the world and also with your clients these days. Companies that invested in this practice in the last few years can now benefit from that network and expertise.

Digital media tactics to follow during the corona crisis

For marketers, there are two important questions, viz.. How to respond (if at all) during this crisis? And, looking to the aftermath, what changes in consumer behavior to expect because of a prolonged shutdown?

Here are digital media tactics that could work perfectly right now. Following tactics may help you in achieving this strategy.

1. Small and personalized digital conference rooms

Share with your customers an update on your business and how you are re-inventing yourself during these strange times. It will help you better understand how you can provide value during a crisis. Share your personal story, showing empathy for your clients, and share your positive and innovative mindset. You will create a positive impact on your brand.

2. Live stream your business

The usage of social media is booming as millions of people are stuck in their homes. Live streaming can be an interesting opportunity. Thanks to the live stream of Instagram or LinkedIn, you can now set up your own TV channel or virtual market place.

3. You can inspire your customers

Use social media platforms to inspire your customers and thus add value to your business. Do not aim for hard selling on social media right now. Try to know and understand the fears of your customers and their hopes. Find out ways to add value to this process. Try to build a stronger brand reputation. Let’s hope that one fine day, the gates of the world will open again. Value your customers even in crisis time.

4. Large virtual events

There is an enormous potential to reach a larger audience with the help of virtual events. Now people have more time than before. They are no longer stuck in baffling traffic. Their workload may be lower. They are comfortable to attend a meeting in their cozy home environment.

5. Seize the opportunity to connect with customers

Strategies your plans, when, where, and how to reach your target audience in new or sophisticated ways through digital channels. Continuing to engage with consumers in an online environment is in the best interest of brand marketers. Because as long as the internet is ad-supported and accessible, you can reach your consumers and expect technology to drive tangible outcomes to the bottom line.

6. One-on-one communication

This is a good time to communicate with your customers and your community. One-on-one conversation is a great opportunity to connect with your customers. Reach out to them—for starters, ask if they are healthy—but you can also share some content that you created for your social channels with individual customers.

7. Keep paid digital media spends holding steady

Keep paid digital media spends in place to confront coronavirus and its digital media impact successfully. Daily life has a way of marching on, and when consumers are looking to buy what they need and want, you can be there with the right message at the right time. The competitive playing field also becomes less crowded in strange times, which may benefit you.

8. Experiment With and Test Digital Advertising Strategies

The gloomy time may turn rosy for brand marketers wanting an audience. People are locked in their homes and switching to entertainment to kill boredom. Perhaps, this is the right time to experiment and invest in connected TV search or other social strategies. Though, before you do, know your brand’s value proposition and your audience so your message will resonate well.

If you thought LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook were something for people with too much time on their hands, you’ve probably come to regret that assumption. There is good news, though, even if you didn’t invest in digital marketing before COVID19, there are still many opportunities to use them now.

Adapt to the ‘new’ customer

For a brand, an online presence has never been as important as today. Try to keep it digital. Locate your target audience and how their lifestyle has changed and map out how you should target them. What is your potential audience’s emotional context? What do they want to hear? How should you be communicating with them? Do not underestimate how the coronavirus has changed your customers and how it has affected their demands.


The coronavirus has left its mark in history. The question is rather how many things will change and how will the world look when it’s all over. But don’t allow the coronavirus pandemic to determine the viability of your business’ future, do what a survivor does in times of trouble instead. Look for solutions and make them work for you. If you have concerns about where your marketing budget is going or want to discuss how coronavirus might affect your marketing strategy, then get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Even during a time that feels like a downward spiral—there can be an opportunity to be seized.

Author Bio

Swati Mittal – working as a Digital Marketing Executive at HIcentrik. She works with digital marketing based clients to accelerate their business growth with the help of the latest marketing technology and trends.