Tag Archives: Types of Email Marketing

Why Email Marketing is Right For Your Business?

What is Email Marketing?

The world of digitization first we need to understand the widely used concept of email marketing. Email marketing is used to promote your business through Emails where you can approach thousands of customers with the single click.

You can use different ways to send Email marketing is the best and effective way of communication. It also allow you to monitor the results of your email campaigns on the real time basis. Senders and receivers can communicate directly with each other.

History of Email Marketing

Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth that has occurred throughout the 21st century. Prior to this growth, email marketing was not as effective because of a lack of reach, as emails were novelties to the majority of customers and potential customers.

In 1978, Gary Thuerk of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sent out the first mass email to approximately 400 potential clients via the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). It resulted in $13 million worth of sales in DEC products, and highlighted the potential of marketing through mass emails.

Types of Email Marketing

Email marketing can be carried out through different types of emails:

Transactional emails

Many email newsletter software vendors offer transactional email support, which gives companies the ability to include promotional messages within the body of transactional emails.

There are also software vendors that offer specialized transactional email marketing services, which include providing targeted and personalized transactional email messages and running specific marketing campaigns.

Direct emails

Direct email or interruption based marketing involves sending an email solely to communicate a promotional message . Companies usually collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses to send direct promotional messages to, or they can also rent a list of email addresses from service companies.

Mobile email marketing

Email marketing now develops large amounts of traffic through smartphones and tablets. Marketers are researching ways to capture the attention of users, in both span and volume.

This is because the rate of delivery still relatively low due to strengthened filters and also because certain users have multiple email accounts that serve unique purposes.

Why Email Marketing is Right For Your Business

  • Approach Email Marketing with a Content Marketing mentality & approach
  • Your goal: Gain as many subscribers as you possibly can.
  • Become the leading authority by providing useful and helpful content above and beyond what you sell.
  • Provide a great user experience.
  • Social Media – Plays a part but primarily to drive people to your content with the goal of subscription.
  • Your audience loves a good story – Why are you in business? Why do you want to help?
  • Everyone in this room has a story to tell – One that you’re passionate about.

Five things that make Email Marketing effective

  • People check their mobile phone up to 150 x’s per day (kpcb.com)
  • 80% of people only scan their email (Nielsen Norman Group)
  • Make it easier for subscribers to scan your email with short subject lines.
  • Our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text (3M) experiment and test.
  • Make all images clickable by linking it to other relevant content on your web site.
  • 58% of adults check email first thing in the morning (Ezanga) experiment with sending times & don’t forget lunchtime.
  • Subscribers that receive a welcome note are 33% more likely to engage with your business long-term (chiefmarketer.com)

Knowing Your Audience & Choosing the Right Content

  • Who are you creating content for and who do you want to reach
  • What are your audience’s needs, pain points and concerns that you can address?
  • What would your audience find useful and interesting?
  • Answers to the Top 10 questions you get from customers & prospective customers?
  • Know what social media channels your customers are on?
  • Social Media may generate engagement but your goal is to create content that drives people back to an owned platform, i.e. your web site.
  • Best chance to build your subscriber list.

Email Marketing is the most Cost-Effective Way to Promote your Business

  • 91% of respondents said they checked their email daily on a mobile device. 69% on tablets.
  • 8 out of 10 consumers who signed up for emails over the past six months made a purchase based on what they received.
  • Capturing subscribers from your web site or social media channels does not cost a dime and once again, you control the content.

Email Auto Responders

  • Trigger auto responders based on email opens.
  • Trigger auto responders if you have an eCommerce business when someone buys one of your products or services online.
  • Once you get your feet wet, take advantage of auto responders – they can be a huge time-saver.
  • When you set-up auto responders they work 24×7.

Creating and Growing Your List

  • Never purchase or rent a list for your email marketing unless you can come up with a unique reason;  For example if its basic demographic information on a region or major city.
  • Never market to anyone that has not opted-in or unsubscribed to your list, period.
  • Capture only Name and Email address to start
  • Use Facebook and other social platforms to find out more about your subscribers – Get to know your subscribers.
  • Always add a Call to Action to every email for additional relevant content.

Getting to Know Your Subscribers

  • Subject Lines: Personalize using first name of subscriber.
  • Most email providers offer personalization. Maximize the From: line in your emails – It should be from a person such as info@geoxis.in  not from a generic email such as info@geoxis.in
  • Avoid words like ‘earn’, ‘sale’, ‘deal’. Would you read the content or click on the links from your email campaign?
  • Make your calls to action count! Link to other relevant,  helpful or entertaining content.
  • Test to see what works and what doesn’t.
  • Using a test email account, test what subject line content gets filtered out and placed in the SPAM folder.
  • Keywords – Test certain keywords in the subject lines to measure open rates.
  • People would like to know what’s in something that gets sent to them and it’s something they would like to see. That’s why they subscribed in the first place.

Squeeze/Landing Page – Subscribe Form

A good subscribe form has to deliver 3 things:

  • State the offer as clear as possible in exchange for an email address.
  • A clear call to action to do so. Tell people to fill out the form to subscribe.
  • Tell people why they need to subscribe and what’s in it for the them and why they can’t live without your awesome email campaigns.


  • Marketers have overwhelming said that a pop-up made a significant difference in the people who did subscribe as opposed to just having the sign up widget off on a sidebar.
  • Your email provider will most likely have the ability to pop-up your subscribe form after a certain amount of time a visitor is on-site.

Thank you pages

  • Use Google analytics to track behavior of people who visit other pages of your web site from the ‘Thank you page’.
  • Most web developers or site maintenance people can set this up for you.
  • Create custom ‘Thank you pages’ to see if people subscribed from your website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.