Tag Archives: SEO

How has Digital Marketing Evolved in the Past Decade

Marketing used to be simpler. Taking a leaf from 2010, social media was a tool to connect with friends, while the internet restricted sales pitches and advertisements to a few websites, and advertisements were never personalized. However, as the digital landscape changed, marketing also changed gears and became much more versatile. 

Business owners can use different platforms to pitch their sales, including ads played over YouTube, while users can connect with any product they want by following hyperlinks. From popular TikTok challenges to influencers taking social media by the storm, there are no limitations to internet marketing now. 

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To give you a better idea, here’s how drastically the virtual world of marketing strategy has changed:

The Evolution of SEO

Working with SEO used to be vastly different. There were no white hat or black hat SEO techniques. You could easily do keyword stuffing and create content that didn’t need good organizing and work without the need for many backlinks. The search engine did not strike you out no matter what you did. 

However, when the panda updates came into the picture around 2011, SEO became more structured. Google began classifying strategies into good and bad while emphasizing that creators only practice white hat methods. This includes curating quality content with relevant keywords sprinkled carefully throughout the blog, using only high quality SEO backlinks that generate leads and don’t have dead ends contributing to the overall ranking. Avoid using images and videos without ALT tags and update the websites so that it doesn’t lag and looks appropriate for the digital era. 

The Power Of Social Media 

Facebook was nothing more than a way to connect with older friends, while Twitter was great to put your thoughts out for the world to read. These were tools of social engagement and had no place in marketing. However, now social media is a platform where million-dollar businesses are branding themselves. It has become a soapbox for political dialogue and allows companies to sell their products in the marketplace. 

These platforms have also ignited the torch on many scandals, such as the election and the rigging of 2016. As a result, congress questioned Facebook’s  (Meta) owner Mark Zuckerberg on the organization’s involvement in promoting false news and pushing propaganda. At the same time, social media stages like Instagram have also reshaped how digital marketing works. By introducing the influencer culture, standard users can create a brand for themselves online, which they can monetize and sell. 

So instead of viewing photos, consumers can also buy products in real-time. It has also allowed smaller reels and videos to get played without the need for making giant advertisements. Consumers can engage with content, find the products they want, and purchase items from the marketplace by logging into their social media accounts. 

The Importance Of Transparency

Consumers are all about trust. They no longer get swayed by plain ads and marketing strategies and need evidence that their data is now protected. With numerous data leaks and privacy that can quickly get endangered, such as the Cambridge analytics scandal against Facebook, where user data was not secure and mishandled, online users want to know they’re safe. 

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Therefore, online reviews, asking customers’ consent to be tracked, informing them how unsecure the website they’re viewing is, and the two-factor authentication to log into social media accounts became the norm. While making online purchases, most companies have websites that generate a popup window to offer more privacy and security when a consumer enters their confidential information. 

As long as the business is upfront about using consumer data online, protects data leaks, and compensates consumers for their losses, they’re in the green. Some companies also emphasize security measures and protection against data mishandling in digital marketing. 

The Era Of The Mobile Friendliness

Smartphones have existed since 1992, but they only revolutionized when the first iPhone hit the market in 2007. Since then, smartphones have become a pioneer in mobile technology and even more helpful than carrying bulky laptops to do your work. By 2019 Google started prioritizing mobile-friendliness and website optimization as a factor for high search engine ranking and as a critical tool in digital marketing. 

So instead of a website that is limited to working correctly on a desktop, companies now have to create a format that fits a mobile screen, does not lag, optimizes images, and allows users to purchase products with all the relevant security features intact. 

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Content Is The Centerfold

From 2018 to the present date, digital marketing has been hyper-fixated on generating top-tier content. This can be anything from words on a blog to videos and even podcasts. Content and branding now go hand in hand. If consumers are pleased with what they see, they’ll put down their money. In current times Tiktok has been outperforming other companies in content generation. By allowing users to post from 15 seconds to 10-minute videos, it has steadily become a $50 billion business. This has also attracted many rich celebrities and luxury brands to partake in the growing trend. 

Instagram followed the same example. The new features allow users to post long-form videos under the banner of Instagram TV. This paved an opportunity for content creators like makeup artists to use Instagram as their primary platform to showcase their skills and connect clients to their business profiles. The search engine is also steadily shifting away from picking up keywords to using content and context to provide search engine results. 

As a result of these innovations, brands have become more conscious about what they’re putting out, their purpose, the medium of engagement, and the issue they’re addressing. After all, no one wants a repeat of the poorly coordinated and distasteful advertisement starring Kendall Jenner in the light of racial disparity, which only made Pepsi look ignorant. 

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The Emergence of Machine Learning

In 2017, Google was declared the first machine learning company. With the emergence of artificial intelligence, Blockchain technology, big data, and predictive analytics, it has become much easier to connect businesses to their consumers. Machine learning is a process in which a consumer’s data footprint gets studied. 

A company takes note of how a consumer buys, observes products, searches, and what kind of advertisements they look for. At the same time, it compartmentalizes the client’s personal information to generate personalized content. So the sponsored ads, recommendations, and suggestions a consumer receives are all carefully monitored and displayed. Previously, the ads were arbitrary, making them a big hit and miss. 

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Final Thoughts

Digital marketing has evolved and single-handedly brought businesses closer to consumers by making personalized content its bottom line. Digital marketing has changed in all directions. Working with SEO is more technical now than it has ever been and cheap tricks and shortcuts no longer fool the search engine into providing a higher ranking. 

Social media is also in the spotlight, becoming more than a social tool. It has become a significant stakeholder in privacy management and forefront of dialoguing and discussions that impact economies. Businesses also view it as a hub to spread their roots. However, at the same time, consumers now crave privacy and work with applications that are willing to protect data and not sell it ahead. 

This is also embedded deeply in mobile-friendliness and cellphones as a primary tool for engagement. Factual content has dominated digital marketing. Finally, machine learning is becoming more prominent in studying consumer data. Digital marketing is also becoming highly specific. 

Why does your website need search engine optimization?

The Internet is a fierce and competitive field in which everyone wants their website to stand out among the millions of sites that exist out there; after all, more visitors to your website equals more sales, right?

However, having a presence on the Internet is not enough to guarantee the success of your site, online store or blog, since to achieve a good place in the results of user searches, it’s necessary to develop a specific strategy to optimize your site in order to achieve this goal.

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the strategy you need to make your website appear in relevant searches by offering useful and interesting content for people who are looking for the products or services you sell. The perfect strategy!

However, doing SEO requires study and patience, since this is a complex subject with a good variety of technical terms, strategies, and practices, all necessary so that Google can “see” your site as suitable to appear in the top positions in its search ranking.

But don’t let that anxiety take you!

Whether you’re taking your first steps in the world of SEO, you want to expand your knowledge on the subject or you already have a website and want to improve your positioning in Google, in this super guide on SEO, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the subject. Are you ready?

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization consists of a series of optimization techniques and strategies that are applied to the pages of a website or blog to improve its positioning in Internet search engines, mainly in Google, since this is the most used in the world.

Ultimately, SEO is a digital marketing strategy to make your business stand out by gaining visibility on the Internet and therefore, more leads, customers, and sales.

This is achieved by optimizing web pages through the use of certain techniques that help improve their “attractiveness,” so that Google positions the aforementioned pages in the top positions of its search results.

Take into account that about 90% of Internet users who search on Google are only interested in the results that appear on the first page of the search engine.

This means that the main objective of doing SEO is to increase the volume of organic traffic to your web pages. In this sense, it should be noted that Google ranks web pages, not websites.

Although there are hundreds or even thousands of factors that influence to improve the positioning of a web page, there are two basic factors that are fundamental:

  • Authority – Or what is the same, the popularity of a web page. The more valuable the information a web page contains, the more popular it will be. This is factor number one, as it takes into account user experience.
  • Relevance – This is the relationship that a page has to a certain search. It’s not simply that a page contains the searched word or phrase, but also that many other on-site factors are taken into account.

What are the types of SEO that exist today?

Although there are actually several types of SEO, we can classify it into two main groups:


This takes care of relevance. To do this, try to optimize the web page in such a way that the search engine understands its content. Here we can in turn include the following elements:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Loading time
  • User experience
  • Code optimization
  • URL format


This focuses on factors external to the website. In this case, the most important factors are:

  • Number and quality of links
  • Presence in social networks
  • Mentions in local media
  • Brand authority
  • Click-through rate (CTR)

What is local SEO?

In this case, the search engine tries to provide a satisfactory result for a user searching for solutions to his problems in a certain region. For this, Google uses its local search algorithm, which prioritizes results in the region where the user is located.

For example, if you type “hotels”, “hotels near me” or something similar, Google will take your location into account when presenting the search results.

Don’t confuse SEO with SEM

This is a topic that causes some confusion, even among beginning professionals in the world of digital marketing, since although both terms are related to each other, each one refers to different actions.

SEO takes care of “organic positioning.” Or what is the same, “non-paid.”

SEM focuses on “paid positioning.” That is, those strategies that include the use of paid ads.

An SEM strategy is based on creating advertising campaigns, so that when a user performs a search, your website appears in the first results in the form of an advertisement.


A good and comprehensive digital marketing strategy should take both methods into account to get the best results.

Why does your website need search engine optimization?

Okay, now that you have a much clearer understanding of what SEO is, it’s time to get into the real stuff of this guide: Why is SEO important? OK, you already know, but only superficially. Let’s get deeper into this matter.

The main reason to do SEO is because it makes your website more useful to both users and search engines. SEO is necessary to help search engines understand whether or not a web page is useful to users. Let’s see it better with an example:

Let’s think for a moment that you have an online store dedicated to selling shoes. Well, for the term “party shoes” there are about 100 million results. Among these results, those that appear in the first three places are those that obtain the most clicks from users.

Now, in terms of paid advertising, how much would it cost to always appear in the first search results?

If it is a business oriented to several countries, taking into account that every hour 1.4 billion searches are carried out in the world and that of those searches, about 75% of the clicks are on the second page of results, we could talk about thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising.

SEO is the most profitable and useful way for users to find your website through Internet searches.

But these are only superficial answers to the question why your website needs search engine optimization?

Let’s see now what are the other advantages of using SEO.

You increase the visibility of your brand

Imagine the following scenario: you have a business that sells refrigerators. User X is having trouble with his fridge, so he tries to find information on Google on how to fix it.

If you have a good tutorial on Google on how to repair refrigerators step by step, you’re already earning a visit to your website for free.

Although the tutorial doesn’t talk about sales, this is the way to establish an initial relationship of users with your brand — sales will come later.

You attract qualified organic traffic

If you offer quality content on your website, you’ll attract many users who are looking for solutions to their problems.

Remember that the more visits your website receives, the more people will know about it and the more likely you’ll be to make a sale.

You increase your chances of sales

In many cases, users who want to know how to repair a refrigerator could end up needing a new one. If these users already know your brand thanks to your useful articles, it’s very likely that the first business that comes to mind is yours. And this is where the sales process begins.

Your brand gains authority

By gaining better positions in search engines thanks to SEO, you get any user looking for information about refrigerators to go to your website as the first option.

In the case of Google, it looks favorably on the content published by people who are accredited experts in a particular subject, which is why it gives better positions to these web pages compared to others.

In this sense, a website with medical content will get a better ranking by having articles written or supervised by doctors, as long as their professional authority can be verified in some way.

You surpass your competition

If your brand is the one that produces the best content on the Internet on a particular topic, users will look for your brand, since it is the one that’s most trustful to them.

It’s true that implementing a B2B SEO strategy to achieve this takes time, but it’s a long-term strategy that in the end, will provide the most profitable results for your business.

Better return on investment

Continuing with the previous point, an SEO strategy requires a much smaller investment compared to paid advertising.

Some of the elements in which it’s necessary to invest to implement an SEO strategy would be:

Consider that if the content created is of enough quality, it’s only created once, and then it continues to generate returns on investment for a long time, with a minimum of maintenance.

Strategy: Optimize your website

What do you need to do to create and implement a successful SEO strategy? Read this!

Set your goals

Please, answer the question: What do I want for my website?

  • Get more organic traffic
  • Generate more leads
  • Increase sales
  • Reduce advertising expenses
  • Increase my brand authority

This is important so that you can better monitor your strategy using the most appropriate indicators for each case, in addition to giving you greater security that you are on the right track.

Define your target customer

Who do you want to reach with your content? You must build your ideal customer from data collected in various ways; that is, create your “buyer persona.”

A buyer persona is a model that allows you to define the communication style, content, and distribution channels more effectively.

Use SEO tools

To carry out a good SEO strategy you must make use of some diagnostic, planning, optimization ,and monitoring tools.

Some of the best tools for this are:

  • Google analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • SEMrush
  • Ahrefs
  • MOZ

Search for the best keywords

The missing link between your content and your users are keywords; that is, the terms that users type in their search engine to find the solution to their problems.

To find the best keywords you can:

  • Use tools like SEMRush or Google’s Keyword Planner.
  • Then you determine if their search volume is relevant and useful to your content, based on your objectives.
  • Next, you create a list with the keywords that may be most useful and add them to your content.
  • And finally, create, organize, and publish your content.

Content Marketing is King

You must always be very clear that SEO is directly related to content. Even if you have content optimized for SEO, it will be of no use in the long run if the first one is of poor quality.

On the other hand, if your content is of very good quality, even without having a good SEO, they can provide you with good results in the long term.

So, the best thing is to have content of the best possible quality; content that adds value, is useful, and solves problems.

Another aspect that can also help you a lot to create quality content is storytelling. This technique can help you communicate your message much better and reach your buyer persona more easily.

If you add some good SEO optimization practices to this, you’ll be able to give your website that little boost it needs to position itself in the first Google results.


Today, SEO is essential for any website, more in some cases than in others, but all types of Internet businesses can certainly benefit from this marketing technique.

Remember that if you want search engines to better understand your website and give it higher rankings, you must prepare your content in the proper way.

If you focus your efforts in the right way, you can generate more traffic to your website, blog or online store, attract more customers, and make more sales.

Remember also that if you combine SEO with other digital marketing or inbound marketing strategies, you can get even better results.

A medium and long-term investment that, if done correctly, will give you the best return on your investment.

Low Budget and Free Marketing Strategies You Can Use Right Now

Most small businesses have one common characteristic. They have a low marketing budget. This makes it difficult to promote the business. It is practically impossible to compete with the larger firms if you were to use the same strategies they do. You cannot rent a billboard in Sydney or buy a TV ad to air during the Superbowl. However, this does not mean you cannot be creative with what little you have.

There are numerous ways to market the business that are free or very affordable. So, you only need to invest your time to make them work. This is what we will focus on.

Post On Social Media And ACTUALLY Engage

One of the most accessible ways in which you could grow your business as you express brand personality and you build trust is to increase engagement on social media. Building a community allows you to grow without having to worry too much about money investments.

Business accounts can be created on social networks like Hiqy, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Use these to:

  • Promote blog posts so website traffic is increased.
  • Talk to your followers and buyers to express brand voice and increase engagement.
  • Create informational posts with excerpts from your long content.
  • Run polls to find out what your target audience wants/likes.

The trick is to stay active and be proactive. Your main focus should be consistency, commitment, collaboration, and community.

Since we are discussing social media, you should also take full advantage of hashtags. These are available on social networks like Hiqy, Facebook and Twitter.

Use trending or broad hashtags to reinforce brand identity. Then, look for specific hashtags that are used by people in your target audience. If you run a local business, also take advantage of location-based hashtags.

Take Full Advantage Of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media website that is almost always underutilized by small business owners so we should highlight it. They simply add some network connections and share posts from time to time. Instead of taking this approach, think about how you can start conversations with those connections. You can join forums and contribute to them and you can share the high quality content of others (and tag them).

When you enable others and you educate potential customers, you gain respect and trust. You also build the brand.

Tag Brands And People On Social Media

Tagging is a feature on social media that most small businesses do not even think about using. You can tag brand evangelists, loyal customers, and neighboring companies. You can even tag your vendors to broaden your organic reach and potentially reach a brand new audience. This can help you to grow your exposure and you might even get some new clients.

Besides you tagging others, you can also encourage followers to do the same with your accounts.

When you tag someone else on social media, you expose the brand to the network of that specific user. This is actually a very effective way to grow your followers and engagement without having to pay anything for it.

Do Your Own Local SEO

Contrary to what you might think, for many SEO tasks, you do not need to hire someone else. You can do it yourself. Local SEO is an example of that. You can do several things for free, although it will take some of your time. However, if you keep working on it, you get long-term benefits that can be really important for small businesses.

You do not have to do everything that local SEO entitles. You can simply focus on the most important tasks, like:

  • Using location-based keywords to headings, titles, and inside body content. For instance, if you run a coffee shop in New York, you can add keywords like “New York coffee shop”. You can be more specific and use highly-targeted keywords like “Brooklyn coffee shop”. Even adding the street where your business is located can help.
  • Get your site listed in relevant local online directories. Just make sure you add identical information about your address, phone number, and business name everywhere.
  • Publish blog posts and even social media posts that are very specific to the areas your business serves.

Speaking about local SEO, make sure you create your Google My Business account. This is a free listing that lets the business appear on Google Maps. You can look online to see how to optimize the profile and verifying your ownership is very simple.

Create A Solid Email Marketing Plan

With email marketing, it is easier to engage your visitors and maintain closer relationships with current customers. While this strategy is not new, it is still very reliable and effective. And you can get started for free. After the email list you build grows, you can start investing a small part of your budget and then gradually grow.

In your email marketing plan, you need at least a few basic elements. They are:

  • Your subject lines – Try to stand out and put creativity to good use in subject lines since they are the most important part of the email you send.
  • Call to actions – Every single email you send needs to encourage readers to take some sort of action.
  • Performance tracking – In order to reap the benefits of email marketing, you have to track the performance of the emails you send. You should also run A/B tests so that you can fine-tune your messages for increased conversions.

Obviously, email marketing is very complex. But, you do not have to do everything. Some very simple ideas to consider include:

  • Create bonus content or a discount campaign that could only be accessed by new newsletter members.
  • Nurture subscribers with emails until they become customers. Do this slowly and never push your products.
  • Start promotional email campaigns by using free services. For instance, MailChimp is completely free until you reach a larger number of subscribers. By that time, you should have more money available to grow your email marketing plan.

Use Free Ad Credits

It is close to impossible for small businesses to run large ad campaigns. So, business owners make the mistake of completely neglecting ad networks.

What you should be aware of is that there are several coupons and discounts you can take advantage of. For instance, when you sign up for Google AdWords, you receive free credit you can use to advertise your business. And when you buy a web hosting service, you might receive some advertising discount codes.

If you are to use ad credits though and you do not have experience, make sure to start small. Test your ads and see what works. Spending your entire budget fast without fine-tuning ads is just a waste of your money.

Consider Applications For Business Awards

In most industries, there are business awards that you can win. This gives you an official online badge that can be placed on the site. It will boost your credibility and can lead to increased sales.

When you cannot find awards to sign up for, you can always host your own. This brings in attention from other businesses in your industry. They will apply and as a result, you get brand new connections you will be able to use in the future.

Start PartnershipsWith Other Industry Businesses

One of the most effective ways to grow your small business is to team up with other industry businesses that are related while not being a direct competitor. You can start joint projects with them that would benefit both sides involved. Do this locally or even offline with an event. Promotional giveaways and webinars can also work.

The great thing about partnering with another small business is that both get more exposure.

With the use of industry partnerships, smaller business owners can access the technology, customer bases, and know-how of others. However, it is very important that the partnership is profitable for both parties. You need to clarify expectations, choose complementary businesses, see how they can work together, and then make things official through a contract after several conversations.

A simple example of a profitable partnership is when you run a workout supplements store and you start working with a nearby gym. The gym can refer customers that need supplements and you can refer gym members. This type of deal can be highly beneficial for both the gym and the supplements store and can be combined with extra strategies, like discounts.

Post Videos To Help Your Target Audience

The world is slowly but surely moving towards video content as the most popular content medium available. The problem is that creating professional videos is expensive. Fortunately for small businesses, hiring professionals is not always a necessity. In fact, it is very easy to start a DIY video marketing campaign. There is a huge possibility you already have all the tools you need.

The great thing about videos is they can demonstrate how to use your services or products. They can also show many other things that are related to your business. However, in order for your videos to work, you need to create a connection with the target audience. To do this, focus on:

  • How-To videos
  • Instructional videos
  • Product demos
  • Interviews with industry experts
  • Interviews with staff members
  • Behind the scenes footage to show what happens during your events or at work
  • Informational slideshows

When you create the video, make sure to add some sort of unique personal message or branding message. Stay transparent and always use a call to action at the end of the video. Then, distribute all videos you create wherever you can, like on YouTube, Facebook, and even on your site.

Recycle Old Content

Even if the business is small and new to the market, there is a very strong possibility it already created a lot of content. And when you have something that was effective in the past, it can be repurposed.

As an example, you can turn your webinar into a series of video tutorials. You can also transform related blog posts into eBooks to hand out to new newsletter subscribers.

Re-promote and mashup old content. This is usually free to do and only requires some time. Just make sure that what you create is fresh and respects all core small business values.

Attend Networking And Industry Events

Smart business owners realize the fact that networking was and always will be a great way to meet new people who would help achieve growth goals. Even so, the number of people participating in industry conferences or trade shows is going down. This is a shame since such events bring several business minds together. You can easily find brand new marketing strategies to use to grow the business.

Industry events are also very good to meet people like you. Use them to develop B2B contacts. And you can even sharpen your skills with the use of seminars held at these events. New information about promoting businesses is always available when you just attend and you keep your ears open while you network.

Create A Simple Customer Referral Program

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get more customers. And you can easily use it regardless of how large the business is.

The premise is simple. You just offer some sort of free service, a free product, or other rewards for when someone refers a new customer. Word-of-mouth marketing is so much more effective than what many think. Customers who will be referred by others will be friends and have a very high value.

Remember that referral marketing is a very effective low-budget tactic. Three quarters of customers see word of mouth as the main factor they take into account when they make a purchasing decision. Also, those referred by friends are actually 4 times more likely to end up buying something.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, you do not need a large budget to promote a small business. Ideas like the ones above can always be used and bring in very good results. And there are many others to consider. Just keep your eyes on new ways to promote your business and you will find marketing options to consider.

How Does Digital Marketing Help You Start A New Startup?


Every day is a new day for different brands as new brands are launched every day, in the marketplace. As soon as they launch, the competition starts. They start competing with brands that are already there. As well as marketing campaigns.

As a startup, the only thing you need to focus on is better marketing than the old businesses. Startups generally have a low and limited budget, which they need to improve by reaching customers and developing revenue. Now we will get to the point. In what ways digital marketing helps a startup?

The Importance Of Digital Marketing In Startups

Digital marketing can be done at a much lower rate than traditional marketing.

Think about it! Print and television advertising costs thousands of dollars, whereas an online advertisement costs only a few hundred dollars.

Even a blog reaches thousands of readers by saving the cost of creating articles and servers. Digital marketing helps startups to approach new clients and develop a relationship, which is almost impossible to have in traditional marketing. Here are some mantras that are to be followed.

Rock-Bottom Customer Research

Popular companies have years of customer research to support each product, startups, on the other hand, are way too inexperienced to know what their customer is looking for.

Therefore to know about them, technologies are used to monitor, track and read buying behaviors. With the help of technology, companies are able to find out which products and demographics are best for their business. It’s just a waste to spend millions of dollars on a television advertisement, whose surety is not guaranteed. Startups can actually go for the customers that they know are interested in the product.

Keep The Clients Busy

If you are into startups, then you should know about Twitter campaigns, webinars, social media posts, and how they provide opportunities for engaging your targeted client directly.

When consumers use digital marketing they feel that they have a one-on-one relation with the company. If you are successful in building this relationship then the efforts that you will put in to keep your clients are going to be minimal. Another option that you have than engaging clients is to do campaigns on social media as it will attract traffic to the company’s website and market new offerings. Click here to know about marketing mascots.

Apply Metrics To Claim Access

In today’s world, consumers prefer mobile phones to get online and discover new products. Because of the universal access to computers and smartphones. Online marketing is more comfortable for customers. It also offers authentic metrics for startups to measure the success of their campaign. It’s a better option for startups to know immediately about the viewers who are reading and communicating with their advertisements. Guessing the numbers of newspaper readers time consuming and out of date.

Build Your Approach Towards Right Digital Marketing 

When companies create digital marketing strategies, they have to be very careful with their approach. Remember, digital marketing allows all sorts of advertisements, emails, and content. From posting a webinar to building a website these techniques are amazing and should be planned in advance if you want them to be effective. Among various methods that are available, startups can try these key elements.

1. Video marketing.

2. PPC campaigns.

3. Social media marketing.

4. Email marketing.

5. Last but not least, Search engine optimization.

A Necessary Mobile Optimization Strategy

The search engine technology and online users are going hand in hand. While a website was clearly popular a decade ago, now, users are communicating with companies through their smartphones. Because of this smart idea, startups too must step up and create a smart mobile optimization strategy.

Keep in mind that your website must have a design that is easy to read and easy to navigate with mobile devices. According to studies, most people now like to browse websites on the go using their mobile devices.

It has become a part of their lifestyle that helps check out the products from any remote area. So, you have to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate.

SEO Is Never Useless.

People a few years ago believed that SEO is dead, but little did they know that it plays a part in websites. As always Google has updated its algorithm, but that doesn’t change the fact that SEO is important for search engines. SEO decides what a site is all about and how useful it is or it can get. So, search engines will demand some ways to condition the topic on the usefulness of the website, as long as they are there.

Why Not Optimizing The Conversion Rate?

Some startups think that digital marketing does not work well, as they don’t provide leads. But if you ask me, I would say that the problem is they forget to optimize the conversion rate. Posts on social media will bring a lot of people to the website but understand, it will not generate sales unless the website is optimized.

There must be options like an email list or a form that customers can fill with intentions to contact. The primary goal of digital marketing is to increase the conversion rate and provide better sales. So, make sure to optimize your website to attract customers and improve the overall conversion rate.


This article helps you to start a new startup with digital marketing. Seven strategies mentioned above to help you out, as soon as you decide to start your own company. There are ups and downs that everyone goes through as a startup, so will you. To make it comfortable as much as possible we have given you an idea about starting a startup.

Leave us a comment below in the comment box, and share your experience with us.

Author Bio

Alisha Jones is an online entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. She is on a mission to help digital businesses grow online. She shares her journey, insights, and experiences at Online Health Media  & Follow The Fashion & Tech Net Deals & Wp Blogger Tips & Tech Trends Pro. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you.

15 Tips to Increase Your Sales Using SEO

1) Use SEO Across Sales Funnel

Your sales funnel helps your buyers reach you. It consists of stages such as pre-sales and marketing. They consume your sales and marketing content before buying from you. Convincing them at this stage is vital. You may end up losing potential sales if every aspect of the sales funnel is not optimized.

The SEO strategy you choose for your website must also apply to any content or pages in the pre-sales phase. Use keywords and build quality content. Ensure that keywords are used in marketing and promotional material. Using SEO tactics in the brand discovery phase is crucial. It creates a strong brand image that convinces a new visitor to do business with your brand. It also retains a consistent brand voice across all your content.

2) Research Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords lend more context to a user’s search. They add more variation to the keywords used for internet searches. For example, a standard user query may be “Car Insurance.” When a person uses long-tail keywords, it may look like this: “Car insurance with theft protection in NYC.” Targeting these types of long keywords and phrases is a great SEO tactic.

Statistics show that more than 70% of internet searches comprise long-tail keywords. Add long-tail keywords to your sales and marketing strategy. Doing so will amplify your reach to a bigger audience. You gain by getting more sales from customers who would otherwise be hard to reach.

Long-tail keywords have less competition and greater intent. Use them to run a focused SEO campaign.

3) Use Google Trends Regularly

In SEO, context is everything. Adding keywords without knowing what is trending is a common SEO mistake. It affects not only rankings but also sales. Your keywords and content must be relevant to a user’s search.

Use Google Trends with your keyword research tools. It offers great insights into popular or rising trends. You can even narrow down keyword popularity to a specific date range or region.

Trends can tell you if a rise in a keyword ranking is seasonal or long-term. Such data can help your sales and marketing teams craft promos and events to leverage popular trends.

Create relevant content with trending queries from Google Trends to increase your reach and sales. Use Google Trends to outdo your competition.

4) Build Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is vital to sales. When people know and hear about your brand from reputed sources, they begin to trust your company. Using SEO for brand visibility directly affects your sales funnel.

Branded keywords are one way to do it. This method for good SEO and sales is helpful when people are already familiar with your brand. Increase focus on non-branded keywords to boost SEO and revenues. Use a combination of branded and non-branded keywords in your content. Doing so will increase your market share.

New users who become familiar with your brand will start using it in their searches online. You also benefit by increasing the reach with existing customers when directed to your content through organic traffic.

5) Target Buyers at Browsing Locations

SEO is most effective when it gives users what they want and when they want it. To get better sales focus on being a brand with a presence on all channels where you are likely to find your audience. Apart from Google searches, users also search several other channels for information. Standard platforms are YouTube, Facebook, or Insta.

Make sure you curate content specific to each platform to engage more people. For example, An Ad or blog for Facebook may not always show results on Instagram.

Use special occasions to create targeted content and Ads to gain a following and reach. Timing is everything in SEO. The right targeted response at the right time is key to better sales. It also builds brand credibility and leads to long-term relationships with your customers.

6) Use Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing is connecting to a customer after they have left your website. You can do so through emails, SMS, or phone calls. A typical scenario is when a user adds an item to their cart but does not purchase. An email with more details of the product or a promo offer can help you convert. When a customer reaches your site from a search, direct them to relevant content or Ads to get them to move to the next stage of the sales journey.

You can use on-site retargeting to increase conversion rates. In this technique, a message pops up when you feel a person may exit the site. You can entice them to stay by giving a spot offer or directing them to relevant product pages.

7) Beautify Product and Landing Pages

To get good sales, your product pages need to stand out. A poor product page can spell disaster for your SEO and conversion rates. Beautify your product pages.

Here are a few proven tips for better sales:

  • Use pro camera shots to show your product. Show as many angles as possible.
  • Use warm and pleasing colors on your page.
  • Add a product promo or using video to drive sales.
  • Provide as many details of the product as possible. Be clear and transparent about pricing, taxes, and shipping.
  • Feature reviews and rating section where users can see discussions and reviews before buying.

The use of quality text and visual content on the main product pages truly makes them shine and helps drive sales and organic traffic.

8) Implement Advanced Search

It can be daunting to search for a product on a large site. A simple search term can throw up dozens of hits that may not be relevant to a user. For example, searching for “fountain pen” can bring up many results that may overwhelm the user.

Put in place advanced search and filters for your site. It helps users narrow down the product they want quickly. Add filters for category, pricing, and other parameters that mean the most for your customers. A site with superb usability is an essential step in driving conversions.

Incorrect implementation can cause SEO drops, so be sure to test the feature well before letting your customers use it.

9) Use Internal Linking Smartly

Internal links are the backbone of good SEO. They help users get around the top pages of your website with ease. Internal links lend structure and context to your website and its content. It tells search engines that your content and pages have valuable information for a user query.

Internal links help search engines crawl and index your pages better. Follow internal linking best practices to boost SEO and sales as a result. Perform a link audit every few days to ensure that none are broken or point to deleted pages.

Guiding users intuitively through your site with internal links builds trust. It makes users stay on it than return to search results. Leverage this power to increase your conversions.

10) Optimize for Mobile

A mobile-ready site carries more weight with search engines. It is a known fact that more than 70% of online users consume content on the phone. Make the switch to responsive design. It is worth the effort and rewards you with better sales and SEO rankings.

Mobile sites are great for sales because people can check out the product and buy the product securely on the same device. Use Google’s mobile-friendly test to validate. This test tells you the areas of your site that may not be optimized.

Keep track of your mobile vs. desktop conversion ratios. This data is a good indicator of how well your site is set up for mobile devices. A great mobile site is the best way to turn mobile traffic into sales.

11) Reduce Page Load Time

If your website loads in less than 5 seconds, you are already among the fastest sites on the web. This is a parameter used by search engines to rank you. Page load times have a direct impact on conversion rates.

A user is less willing to buy from a site that has performance issues. It diminishes their trust in your brand. Google uses page loading time as a ranking factor for web and mobile.

Optimize your site and pages on it to load soon. Some tips for faster loading sites are:

  • Minimize large image files. Compress any images to a web format such as PNG.
  • Host any videos on YouTube or Vimeo and embed the URL on the site.
  • Use a trusted and fast hosting service.

12) Incentivize Reviews and Testimonials

Online reviews are vital to building trust. They form an integral part of branded search results. It would help if you encouraged customer reviews of your products and services. Beware, lots of negative reviews can spell disaster for your sales.

Excellent product quality and prompt service is the key to favorable reviews. Give goodies and discounts to customers to post reviews. Poor reviews are sometimes unavoidable. It is a red flag, though, if there are too many. In such cases, work with a good reputation management company to bounce back. They can assist with strategies and tactics to boost your online reputation.

At all costs, do not bribe customers into leaving good feedback. This can backfire, causing a loss in sales, reputation, and SEO rankings.

13) Leverage Social Media and Influencers

Social media is a boon to companies in the new age. Viral content on these platforms has the power to catapult your brand to global fame. Social media mentions of your product or brand indicate trust to search engines. They affect the quality of your rankings and drive sales.

Tie up with influencers to boost your social media following, and in turn, your sales funnel. Influencers are people who have a large fan base and can endorse your brand for a fee. Identify influencers who talk about topics that are relevant to your brand. For example, choosing a model as an influencer would be a better bet than a novelist if you are a clothing brand.

Working with social media and influencers expands reach and generates organic traffic.

14) Perform A/B Tests on Landing Pages

A/B testing is a time-honored testing methodology for online sales and SEO. It is a technique where different sets of users are sent to similar pages on a site. The idea is to measure their engagement and see which page design and content work better.

Search engines like sites that use A/B testing. It is an indication that you are working hard to deliver a superior customer experience.

A/B testing requires planning and effort. You can use many popular tools to craft similar pages and measure metrics for each of them.

Once you know which page shows better results, stick to it and optimize it for SEO. You will start seeing great conversion scores and sales.

15) Promote User-generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a great way to show search engines your customers care about your products. Promote such content. It could be reviews, unboxing, or usage tips. Any content created by a buyer adds trust to new users.

You may have many people post original content on channels such as YouTube and Facebook. Some of this content could tie in nicely with your existing content. Creatively link UGC to your content so that customers know that their views are respected. Be sure to moderate UGC on a daily basis to weed out inaccurate information.

UGC content is great to boost sales. It tells new buyers that your brand has a loyal following and a community online.

Sales & SEO FAQs

1) Can SEO Spending Guarantee Sales?

Spending on SEO does not always guarantee sales. It’s a delicate balance between your website content and your product quality. Good SEO practices can surely drive more qualified traffic to your site. Converting the traffic to a sale needs focus and other marketing tactics along with SEO. A healthy mix of both leads to better sales. Don’t just rely on SEO tactics.

2) How Long Will It Take To See Results?

SEO does not deliver overnight results. Don’t trust agencies who promise it. SEO consists of several tactics. You need to work on the content as well as the technical aspects of the site. SEO implementation happens in phases. It may take at least 4-6 weeks before you can start seeing an upward trend in your visitor traffic and your sales.

3) What Are The Best Content Practices for Better Sales?

Content is king in SEO. Spending time to create quality content and images for your site is rewarding. Here are a few tips:

  • Create high-quality content and images for your product pages.
  • Use keywords sparingly but effectively.
  • Content must be relevant to a user’s needs and queries.
  • Link content across social media and your main site.
  • Update content regularly. Remove obsolete content from your pages.

4) Is Good Content Enough For More Sales?

No, along with great content, you should focus on user experience. Is your site easy to navigate? Does it load fast? Is it secure to make online payments? Is it visually appealing?

These are some of the questions you should be asking yourself. A healthy balance between top content and UI/UX design goes a long way in building loyalty and trust among new visitors.

5) Should I Hire An SEO Agency?

You should always consider hiring a professional SEO agency if you can afford it. It helps you focus on your business strategy instead of devoting time and resources to SEO. Do your research. Hire an agency that has a good reputation and can deliver within your budget with no hidden charges. If you are a small business, you can consider doing SEO in-house.

Best Roles in the Structure of Your Digital Marketing Department

The digital marketing team’s ability is the main difference between the success and demise of your software house. It is all about having the right people for the right job. When you have the right person for the right job, you can invest extra in your team to complete the tasks on time. The employees having the thrust to earn extra are the people you are looking for, such employees can do extra effort to complete your tasks just in time. Try to use the overtime calculator by calculator-online.net, to pay the extra amount to your employees for extra work you are assigning to your employees.

In this article we are discussing the best role in the structure of your digital marketing department:

Project manager

The project manager is a key player in your digital marketing team. His role is crucial in the making of your digital marketing team. He can acquire the services of various employees, and utilize their abilities to complete a project on time. If it is necessary to hire a freelancer, the project manager can utilize his abilities to complete the tasks, he can pay extra to some employees for completing the projects on time, the project manager can take extra work from the freelancers and pay them for completing a task, for this he can use the overtime calculator to calculate the payment, he has to pay to customers.

The project manager is acting as a liaison manager between your digital marketing team and the clients. He is the essence of the digital marketing team, the whole project completion depends upon his commitment and assigning of tasks to the team. The most crucial thing for the project manager is to identify the bottleneck in a project and resolving the issues before they can become a hurdle in completing the project on time.

Digital marketing manager

The digital marketing manager is the person to identify the needs and wants of the customer and develop the strategies of the company accordingly. The digital marketing manager advertises the product and services of the organization on various platforms and creates a good relationship with the different markets on the behalf of the organization. He is responsible for managing the advertising campaign of the organization on social media. He also designs the strategic planning of the digital marketing campaign and analyzes how the organization is going to sell, their product, and services to customers.

The spectrum of the digital marketing manager is broader and he can hire freelancers to market the organization’s product and services on various forums and pay them accordingly, for this purpose he can use the time and a half calculator, to pay the employees. This tool is helpful in calculating the salary of the employees as it is useful in calculating the original salary and the commission of the employees.

The scope of the digital marketing manager can be:

  • To identify the buyer’s persona, mapping the customer need and want
  • Try to guide the organization to develop the product and the services accordingly
  • Identifying the keywords and boosting the performance of the SEO campaign
  • To ensure the digital marketing activities matches the organizational broader perspective
  • Measuring and mapping the organization’s goals with the current requirement of the market.

The content writer

The content writer is the backbone of all your digital marketing efforts, your marketing efforts can boost the only and if you have quality content to boost traffic on your website. It is crucial for the success of digital marketing efforts to have a talented content writer expert in creating all types of content. It is important to find a creative writer, who can create a diverse quality of content for the organization.

 All your digital marketing campaign starts from unique and quality content, organizations usually outsource quality content writers for writing content on various topics, as it is difficult to produce all types of content by yourself. You can use theovertime calculator and time and a half calculator to pay extra to your employees and the writer which you have outsourced to write technical content.

It is difficult to find a quality content writer, so you normally outsource freelance content writers for writing posts on various topics.

You need content for various purposes, we are outlining some of them:

  • For your blog posts
  • For website and writing the website content
  • Automated email content
  • Product description and writing the reviews
  • Writing the eBook and Research article for the organization

The content writing is a work for that organization going to outsource varius employees and they calculate their pay by using the overtime calculator. If you are finding any difficulty in calculating how to calculate overtime, you can find assistance from the internet. A good content writer should have extensive knowledge of SEO and a complete grip on the language and its sense structure.

The SEO specialist

The SEO specialist is the people, help to boost the SERP ranking of your website. If you have written well quality content but your SERP ranking is still low, then how people are going to find your webs pages. You need specialist SEO experts to work continuously to boost the ranking of your webpage in the Google SERP. If people are finding in the Google SERP, then there is no chance to increase the traffic on your page.

You need your website on the first page in the Google SERP ranking, so people can find your webpages against different keywords searches. To make the ranking of your pages higher, you need an expert SEO specialist. These people are always trying to get quality backlinks for your website. you have to generate a loyal audience, who are always in search of your web pages. The SEO experts are kind of marketers always in search of ways to boost the ranking of your website in the Google SERP ranking.

What are the main roles of the SEO experts:

  • To find ways to boost the SERP ranking of the website, users usually don’t go away from the first page of the Google search engine.
  • He should always be in search of analysis and a specialist in the analysis of the Google strategies and working accordingly to boost the ranking of the website.
  • The SEO specialists are experts in using Google Analytics, Search console, The paid tools like SEMrush and SpyFU for the analysis purpose and make strategies to boost the SEO ranking.

Organizations do hire the services of the expert SEO specialist for promoting their website, you can use the overtime calculator and time and a half calculator to calculate the payment, organizations have to pay the SEO experts. Sometimes, you can find it difficult,  how to calculate time and a half, do this you can watch the youtube video to exactly know the process of learning how to use the time and a half calculator.

The graphic designer

 The role of the graphic designer is crucial for making your website attractive and perfect for the user, not switching from your website. The visual graphics help the audience to understand your content perfectly, as simply the text can’t convey the message along perfectly, it is the combination of the text along with the graphics that make a perfect impression on the client to read all of your content.

The user can be fed up by only reading the text on your website. Good websites always include the best content in their websites to attract the audience. You can outsource a good graphic designer and use the overtime calculator to calculate the payment to the outsourced graphic designer. Graphics like Brand Logo, Brand Brochures, Bunting, and Banners are crucial for making an impression in the mind of the target audience.

Graphic designers are always in search of new ways to create a brand identity of the organization by using a unique color scheme and matching colors.

The main scope of the graphic designers are as follows:

  • To create a purposeful interface for the pages of the website.
  • To create the best visual help to boost the perception and understanding of the content.
  • Make sure every piece of the content you are creating should have a visual aid to make the content more interactive and interesting for the user.
  • You need professional graphic designers, to boost the quality of the content and put their own creation in the graphics to make the content more interesting and interactive.

There should be strong collaboration between the graphic diners and the content writers, as they are going to develop the graphics for a particular Content. The audience finds it interesting to read content having visual aid. Such content is readily understandable to the users and they share such content with their friends and peers.

Organizations can hire and outsource good graphics designers, and calculate their salaries by using theovertime calculator. If the employees are doing the job in the organization along they are doing extra work, so you can use the time and a half calculator to calculator the salary of the graphic designers.

Social media manager

Social media managers are critical in this age of digitalization and socialization. They can work for the brand management of the company in social media. A huge number of the audience is going to use social media, so can’t leave the social media, as you can get many customers from the various social media groups.

Organizations find social media one of the best tools to analyze the needs and wants of their target audience. The role of social media managers is important in our time. They create a direct relationship with the target audience, companies are always in search of finding the requirements of their target audience and mold their services and product according to the wishes of the target audience.

Social media is not a place where people only share silly pictures and posts with each other. It is one of the most emerging forums for organizational business. The companies do come in direct contact with their target audience, so the role of the social media manager is critical for organizational survival and to boost their profit and revenues.

The scope of the social media managers are as follows:

  • To create goodwill of the organization in the social media
  • Create successful media groups to create direct contact with the target audience
  • Guide the organization about the needs and wants of the target audience.
  • Keeping direct contact with the customers and encourage them to purchase the companies product and services
  • Keep customers update about the various product and services organizations want to launch in the near future

You can get extra work for your digital marketing manager to do the extra duty to look after your social media campaign and pay him extra using the overtime calculator, and the time and a half calculator according to their extra effort. It is better to hire a separate full-time employee for managing the social media campaign for your organization.

If you are outsourcing an employee to look after your social media campaign it is not going to work at all, as there would always be a communication gap between the organization and the social media expert.

How to make the coordination strong among the team

It is better to assure your project manager to take care of all the activities of various employees of your organization. The project manager can direct and assign the task to the various employees of the organization and outsource the employees, where he thinks it is necessary for the organization.

You as the owner of the business have to direct the goals and objectives of the organization to the project manager and direct him according to the situation.

There are three levels at which you need to direct your project manager:

  • The strategic level
  • The tactical level
  • The operational level

The coordination between your project manager and the owner is crucial for the success of an organization. Your role as the director of the organization should be directional not indulging in the day-to-day operation of the organization.

Key Reasons Why On-demand Service App Is Trending Right Now

The idea of on-demand services has completely changed the way people think about accessing things. The number one thing that everyone is worried about these days is how to balance their personal and work lives – sometimes they don’t have enough time for both! On-demand apps bridge this gap, as well by making it possible for customers to find what they need when needed without having to make a trip inside or download an app first. These types of mobile applications should be high on every company’s list in order to promote efficiency within any industry.

Businesses are growing increasingly competitive and the thought of staying put in one place and watching the business grow is no longer the case. Organizations are actively fighting to put forth their products and services in front of potentially paying customers as much as possible. One way to make that happen is by targeting millions of mobile users already using mobile applications.

Yes, businesses are already using web and mobile applications to better facilitate their customers. But that is still not enough convenience as per the expectation and requirements of the customer. Instead of connecting the customer to the business, businesses are now reaching the customers through on-demand services applications.

As the demand for applications that connect customers to services grows, custom on demand app development services are gaining immense popularity in the industry. In order to understand why on-demand service apps are gaining such global acceptance, we’ll look into some of the key factors in depth. 

What is an On Demand Services Application?

An on-demand services application is a mobile app that provides access to various types of service providers from around the world. These apps can be used for tasks such as finding an electrician, booking a flight or even hiring childcare professionals. A user searching for someone who does drywall installation would type in their search into their phone and get results with prices and reviews all at once.

What are the Benefits of On-Demand Application Development?

A few benefits of an on-demand application are that it is personalized, the experience is all at once and each user can customize their own app.

Some things to consider when creating a service provider directory:

  • Consider what features you want your users to be able to do (saving favorite providers? Reviewing them?)
  • What types of services should you list?
  • Are there any specific requirements for your company such as a certain look or branding style?
  • How long does this feature take? How much time will I need? Make sure not to include these questions in your content.

What are On-Demand Services Solutions?

On demand services and solutions are any such web or mobile-based software applications that are used to cater to the needs of the customers at any particular moment in time. These on-demand services can be specific to a niche or generalized for a larger industry-based use case.

On-demand services can be used to hire very specific services for domestic purposes or even services that have become part of the sharing economy on their own.  Uber and Careem are great examples of on demand ride sharing services and others of the like used specifically in the food delivery category.

The primary purpose of on-demand applications is to connect consumers to business/service in minimum time as possible, minimizing any intermediaries in between, all at the convenience of when a customer wants it.

Types of On-Demand Services?

On-demand applications find use in a range of industries with new use-cases springing up every now and then. However, these are the most widely used areas where on-demand applications are being used:  

  • Food and Delivery
  • Home and Domestic Services
  • Retail Delivery
  • Professional Services
  • On-demand Ecommerce
  • Cosmetics and Beauty Service
  • Commute and Travel
  • Healthcare and Telemedicine
  • Logistics

How Custom on Demand App Development Fits Into 2021

Most of the year 2020 went in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic, where no country, economy, and or industry was left unaffected by its direct and indirect after effects. Every form of industry whether industrial, manufacturing, and services came to a grinding halt due to the overwhelming uncertainty and mystery that surrounded covid-19 at the time. With fears of massive outbreaks and the loss of life, business slowly started shutting down. However, three to six months into the global pandemic, it became clear that life and business needed to work alongside the Covid-19 social distancing guidelines and the minimum use of contact services among many guidelines.

Due to stringent guidelines regarding the unnecessary movement of people and the prohibition of the use of public contact devices. The need to explore alternate solutions became the need of the hour, not only should the solutions address the social distancing factor but also be easily integra table with existing industries. This led to the advancements and development in on-demand services via custom development channels. By connecting businesses/service to the customer directly, customers became well facilitated and could request services at their will. This trend continued to follow from the Q2 2020 till present and sees no end as of yet. As consumers become more accustomed to on-demand ecommerce and other delivery channels that provide them convenience and comfort from the palm of their hands through mobile apps, custom on demand app development services will always be required.

Reasons Why On-Demand Service Apps are Gaining Popularity

Increased Business Opportunities

By using on-demand mobile applications, industries and businesses can multiply their business opportunities. Mobile applications provide greater coverage and increase the chance of reaching out to new and existing users, introducing the business and services to previously unreachable consumers.

Provides Customer-Centric Services

One of the reasons for their growing popularity is the special type of connection between business and customer that an on-demand application is able to make. Not only are both parties connected more deeply but the consumers are also able to find personalized services at their designated time and requirement.  

Strengthens Brand Value

Since consumer expectations are changing with the passage of time, they expect more from businesses that meet their convenience and comfort. The business with an on-demand mobile application is considered more value providing than the one with just a basic mobile application. When a customer feels satisfied with a certain product or service, it automatically reflects positively on the brand’s identity and value. The same is the case with customer experience when trying to either acquire and use a specific product or service.

Provides Security

Performing any form of transaction online involves dealing with some sort of personal information of customers. By using an on-demand mobile application, the chances of that personal information becoming secure increases, making sure customer confidentiality is never compromised.  

Increased ROI

One of the core reasons for their fame is the ROI boost on-demand applications provide to businesses.

By providing personalized services and providing greater value to customers, customers end up becoming more loyal to their brands and continue to be long-term paying customers. For new consumers that use on-demand applications, they are more likely to convert and further contribute to the revenue generation all together.

How On-Demand App Development Helps Small Businesses in 2021?

The growth in digital technology has led to the development of new technologies and businesses models, for example mobile technology and on demand services. As businesses scrambled to find potentially new ways to reach out millions of users. New concepts were explored that would position businesses with a strategic edge.

Combining mobile application technology and the aim of personalized services, saw the introduction of ‘on demand services’ to the world. The popularity of on-demand applications made it a great contender to be used in a range of industries. Now, there is a growing trend towards on demand service app development, as small businesses aim to share a piece of the pie, by satisfying customer expectations at all costs.

To shed lighter as to how on demand app development is bolstering smaller businesses in 2021. We compiled a brief yet information article for your reading.     

What is On Demand Service App Development?

To simplify understanding, let’s break it down into two parts – ‘On demand service’ and ‘App Development’. On-demand service means that a consumer can request to receive a certain service of some sorts. Which does not involve any intermediaries in the form of administrators or support staff to put the request in effect manually. This process to request and its enactment is all carried out automatically. 

On demand service app development refers to the production of such applications that fulfil the requirements as mentioned above. On demand service applications are considered to be a bridge layer between consumer and business. Basically, linking potential consumers to businesses that are providing a range of services, immediately and anywhere.

A Pandemic and the Growth of On-Demand Services

Consumers today are equally focused on the ease and flexibility of purchasing as they are with the quality of the final product or service they intend to acquire. Bring in an unseen pandemic with global consequences into the equation. A large number of consumers were bound to their homes, limited in mobility to only the essentials of places or supply rendezvous.

Due to strict government regulations regarding Covid-19, a range of businesses, including some digital and most brick-and-mortar ones were greatly affected. Not to mention the people across the world, left to adjust to a new limited way of living. With the added health risks of getting infected with a virus that is highly communicable through the air. People were even more hesitant to leave the security and comfort of their homes.

Limited consumer to business interaction did not stop people from digitally searching for essential services and household goods. Spending and buying increased over ecommerce platforms and skyrocketed the growth of on demand services. Allowing users to purchase products directly from their mobile devices, anytime and anywhere and have it delivered to their doorstep. Services like grocery delivery, taxi and ride sharing, accommodation and rentals can now easily be booked through an on demand mobile app. 

Multiple industries are making use of some sort of an on-demand service app. The growing fame and popularity of on demand service app development that can satisfy user interest for prompt delivery are in development. Becoming one of the top priorities for newer businesses that are centered around the concept of on demand services

How On Demand Services Affect Businesses for Good?

Improved Business Opportunities

Despite the growing competition, the on-demand service app market is a playground of opportunities. The thought of creating an idea into reality is highly possible for most day to day of jobs. Businesses can quickly use services of an on-demand app development company to bring their ideas into reality.

Suitable for Multiple Industries

On demand applications have a special advantage to be used in a range of businesses from different industries. All thanks to the on-demand service model, where businesses from every industry are aiming to directly connect themselves to potential consumers to increase visibility and drive business growth.   

The Mobility Factor

The consumer of today is more mobile than ever. Not only that, they are increasing at an exponential rate. Businesses want to take advantage of the 4+ billion mobile users. The customer base of most industries prefers to avail their services online, and are now increasingly moving towards on-demand services.

Location Tracking

Incorporating location tracking as part of on-demand service app features, helps both businesses and consumers alike. For businesses it can be in the form of fleet management, by maintaining an effective geographic spread. Whereas for consumers, expected delivery times can be shown, based on the GPS location of the Driver/rider. All of this information is viewed back by the consumer, at their side of the on demand mobile app.


The primary goal of on-demand applications is to provide effective and quick services to potential consumers without intermediaries. As smaller businesses become further aware of the potential benefits of this service model, more on demand service app development will take place. On-demand services simplify the seller-consumer journey, allowing businesses to satisfy customers requirements as they particularly require.

The Best 7 Mobile SEO Tips You Shouldn’t Miss

SEO means “Search Engine Optimization” and it is a sector of Online Marketing that deals with all measures to improve the positioning of a site in search engine results. Even the optimization for mobile devices (Mobile SEO) has become an essential part of SEO strategy in time.

If you are organizing an online business or want to start in the digital universe, learning how to generate organic traffic through SEO, advice is essential to have resulted in the medium and long term. With this method, in addition to avoiding excessive expenses with paid advertising, you can guarantee the longevity of your project, be it a physical or virtual business.

Working with well-structured SEO optimization also ensures that more people find you through search engines and allow your company to compete for the top positions against the terms that your consumers use to find your product or service.

Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO refers to website search engine optimization combined with a seamless display on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Thanks to the growing boom in handheld devices, webmasters must be very keen on mobile SEO planning. After all, more than 50% of Internet users report that they browse the Internet daily through their mobile devices. Google already supports sites optimized for mobile devices.

Drawing on various mobile SEO projects’ experience, we have created this detailed guide on mobile SEO. We hope it helps newcomers to find out some miss out key issues of mobile SEO. The following are recommendations to help you better understand how to properly optimize your website for the best user experience on all mobile devices.

It is possible to use this optimization process in the content and through the configuration of your website.

Thus generating a greater possibility of working SEO for eCommerce and physical businesses.

Now, if you want to learn how to use this concept in practice, stay with us until the end of the content and take the opportunity to learn 07 mobile SEO tips to give rise to more traffic to your website.

What is SEO?

SEO is an abbreviation in English for “Search Engine Optimization”. Basically, SEO is a set of techniques to help your pages on the Internet, whether they are blogs, virtual stores, or landing pages, to perform better in search engines, such as Google.

This set of techniques allows search engine algorithms to identify which topics your content addresses more clearly. Thus, they can better classify these contents and display them on the results page, or SERP, when they perform a search. Mobile SEO can be defined as a website optimization for use on mobile devices such as phones and tablets.

 This means optimizing the spider website’s content for search engines to ensure that the content is indexed and ranked. A whopping 96% of mobile searches are done with Google, and Google prioritizes the Mobile-First index. In short, if you want to get ranked, it is imperative to follow their recommendations for mobile SEO.

It is clear that if your web traffic comes mostly from mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets, it will be necessary to position your website, taking this into account. Besides, it will influence many aspects of your page:

Mobile experience:

User experience is one thing that Google takes into account the most and values it independently on each of the devices.

Web traffic:

More than half of the web traffic that reaches the search engine does so from mobile devices, so not being well optimized in this sense will prevent users from finding you.

Positioning Change:

Good SEO for mobile phones will help you get many visits from these devices, which will also influence your positioning for them.

Most of the searching is done on mobile phones, and it’s time to implement a mobile SEO strategy. Here are seven tips you need to get started

Today, your online marketing campaign needs to target mobile users. Our highly connected world has enabled people to search and view websites on the go from various devices.

It means that if your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, you’ll lose leads and conversions. Non-optimized mobile sites also drop search engine rankings.

The good news is that it’s easy to optimize your site. Keep reading 7 Mobile SEO Tips to Raise Your Site Awareness.

1. Determine The Mobile-friendliness of Your Site

Before you can decide the future direction of mobile SEO, you need to know where you are.

Google offers free tools to determine the mobile usability of your site. You can use this device to test all kinds of mobile elements, including:

  • Using plug-in
  • Viewport width
  • Content sizing
  • Use of flash
  • Font size
  • Placement of page elements

The results of the report can be used to shape the next move. Maybe you need to design your website again for smaller screen use. Alternatively, you may need to optimize your content and eliminate definite plug-in.

2. Use Responsive Design

 The best mobile SEO tactic is to adopt a responsive design. This design approach addresses the user’s platform, screen size, and orientation. Similarly, your website is more likely to be loaded for more users.

The biggest problem with mobile sites is that the screen size keeps changing. With new phones and tablets released each year, you’ll have a hard time keeping up with dozens of screen sizes. Responsive design is comprehensive and provides the best experience for mobile users.

3. Participate In Social Media

The use of social media on mobile phones continues to grow. In fact, 80% of the time spent on social media comes from mobile devices.

If you want to raise awareness of your company, you need to participate in social media. This mobile SEO strategy allows you to interact with potential consumers while targeting your existing customers.

Use Facebook to share the company’s information and updates. Twitter is an ideal place to host a hashtag contest.

The important thing is to participate and stay involved. By participating in conversations and campaigns, you can keep your company’s name in place.

4. Focus on Page Load Time

In fact, mobile users expect the page to load within 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, 53% of users abandon the page.

Slow pages may be at the expense of your leads and conversions.

Here are some steps to take:

  • Delete unused scripts
  • Minimize HTTP requests
  • File compression
  • Enable browser cache
  • Image optimization
  • Page load time is an important factor in the success of your website.

Local SEO is another key element of mobile optimization. Mobile device users often search for products and services in their area. This is your website needs to be optimized for local search.

One of the easy ways to do this is to include the state and city of its content. This contains Meta descriptions, title tags, and H1 headings. Apart from on-site content, off-site content is just as important.

To raise awareness of your company, create a Google My Business list. This is a free service that allows internet users to find your business, read customer reviews, and view images.

If you already have used content, such as your company’s blog, you may know the importance of keyword optimization. However, mobile keyword optimization is a little different.

The era of text-based Internet search has been put off. Instead, consumers are increasingly using voice-based search.

In fact, 41% of mobile users use voice search. It’s much convenient to ask Siri or Google to find a local store.

Mobile keyword optimization allows you to focus on keywords that are suitable for voice search. As consumers adopt more voice-launching technologies, website content needs to keep up.

To make your website more suitable for voice search:

  • Optimize using conversational search queries
  • Answer content questions
  • Use structured data mark-up
  • Create a FAQ page on the website

Voice search trends aren’t going away anytime soon. Your business will want to focus on voice search optimization to stay ahead of the competition.

7. Consider Using Accelerated Mobile Pages

Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a new initiative aimed at delivering faster mobile pages. These pages are no different from regular HTML web pages. The biggest difference is that the loading time is insanely fast. Using faster pages can significantly improve the user’s browsing experience.

Pages designed using AMP includes a simpler form of client-side script.

Is it possible to generate more organic traffic with SEO?

For those looking to improve their website’s performance, online store, or even their blog dedicated to affiliate marketing, investing in strategies to attract organic traffic with SEO optimization is the most effective way in the medium and long term.

Although the results of this process take a little longer to begin to appear, surely when they do, it is complicated that you do not have a positive result.

However, for this to happen gradually and functionally, you must stay focused on your work and avoid possible mistakes. And if you still don’t know what the main SEO mistakes are, we invite you to continue reading on the subject so that your experience within this universe is the best possible.

Responsive web design

Nowadays, more and more users surf the internet from their mobile phones or tablets, over and above the use they make of the computer. Let’s say that a cell phone works like a small computer that can be moved everywhere and in which practically people can carry out the same functions.

Considering this, it is important that our website responds to this demand and adapts to any device. The pages developed with a ‘responsive’ web design were designed mainly with this function.

Advantages of a responsive website

These are some of the most important advantages:

  • It gives us the possibility of designing a particular web page for all devices. Avoid duplicating content and help improve SEO.
  • The web page adapts to the person who is browsing it and provides many more tools for use.
  • The site will recognize from which device it is being accessed. Therefore it will adjust all the content so that you can view it in a better way and move without any inconvenience.
  • Having a responsive website will guarantee you cost savings.

SEO And Mobile Optimization

If we are owners of a website, the first thing we consider is to attract a greater amount of traffic to it. The main idea is to achieve a good web positioning, and this goes hand in hand with the trust that we generate in public.

Users will feel greater attraction and, above all, trust, for pages that they can visit directly from their mobile phone. SEO is partly based on the positive experience that we can create in people, and this type of design will be essential.

If what we want is to generate sales or achieve the contracting of the services we offer, the website will be our first contact with the client, and if it is successful, we will have already won a large part of the process. Mobile SEO optimizes your website to make it compatible with users who access it from mobile phones and tablets. This practice consists of finding the correct way to make the resources included in your page accessible to the search engines.

58% of searches performed on Google are made from a mobile device. This trend is growing faster and faster.

8. Advantages of Mobile SEO Those Are Key to Successful Website

Advantages of Mobile SEO:

1. Your SEO Score Will Increase

Google is currently using mobile scores as an SEO ranking factor. The bottom line is that if your website is slow and has a high bounce rate (see below), it won’t be ranked by keyword. If you don’t rank, your SEO score will be low and your traffic will be costly.

Web traffic is a potential habit, and losing customers can be expensive. Many other factors can help your website’s SEO ranking, such as the number of backlinks and traffic. However, ranking systems such as domain authorities are also emerging, so if you don’t deal with the mobile SEO situation right now, your competitors will.

2. Faster Page Speed

The faster the load time, the higher the SEO score. The main question is how to actually do it. Fortunately, there are several ways.

First, you can hire a developer to remove and clean up unwanted code on your site’s backend to enhance your online security. You can also create amp pages, optimized versions of your website, and pages. Finally, make sure your hosting is the best and fastest provider you can get.

3. Improve The User Experience

Websites optimized for mobile devices are designed to fit on a small screen. You don’t have the same fonts and menus that appear on your desktop web page because it’s difficult to navigate without a mouse. This can lead to frustration and make people leave the website.

Have you tried a website on your mobile that wasn’t designed for mobile devices? Find one and browse to see how frustrating it really is. An example of an impressive mobile experience is this legitimate website for creating payslips. It’s easy to navigate and clear.

4. Increase The Time Spent on The Site

Getting your customers to browse your website benefits you in two easy ways. The first is that the more you browse, the more connections you have with the company. This will increase your chances of making a purchase or committing to sign up.

The second reason is that it is added to the SEO score. Bounce rate estimates the amount of time a user spends on a website. If they appear and disappear quickly, it will harm your score. Efficient mobile websites improve this significantly.

5. Mobile SEO Costs Cheaper Than Apps

Application development is expensive. Increasing mobile SEO practices actually costs little. Therefore, you can enter the mobile market without spending a lot of money on app development.

6. Get More Business

I think services such as stores, transportation, delivery, and personal services are very intuitive. Grow your business through mobile-optimized layouts and simple, fast forms. Imagine this scene. I’m home, and I don’t feel like cooking tonight. Guess where I order the cap: from a funky website with a phone number hidden in a double dropdown menu, from your nice and neat website

7. Improved Accessibility

Need to list everything? Small fonts, elongated layouts, pinch, and scroll, etc. Not only do they affect users with disabilities, but they also annoy other users.

8. Lower Maintenance Cost

Mobile responsive websites can be a bit more expensive than prepaid, but they are much less expensive to maintain. You don’t have to reformat and duplicate content or add features twice like you would on a desktop or mobile website. The same is true for bug fixes and SEO campaigns.

Author Bio: 

Chris is a passionate writer, hungry for new innovation. New trends fill him with tons of enthusiasm to uncover hidden topics. Speakaudible covers a wide range of subjects related to audiobooks. You can check best audiobook novels ever on Speakaudible.

6 Actionable Tips for Performing SEO in The Fashion Industry

The fashion industry is growing in the 21st century like never before and if you want your posts or website to be noticed at the top of the search engine you need to optimize your search engine. Like any other industry, the fashion industry is getting more popular within the world. Everyone wants to know about fashion, with every new fashion trend people are getting more aware of how they should change their style. And if you want to influence your audience with your fashion style you need to focus on how to increase your SEO.

There are a few basic tips and tricks through which you can increase your SEO. Everything needs a strategy to make things work for your industry and if you are looking for ways on how you can be discovered by a large audience then you need to know the tricks on how you can reach them. Fashion Social Media Marketing is a great way through which you can reach out to your audience.

Creating a social media page for your posts could help you to share your fashion blog posts so people could see and share your post but there are other ways you need to know how to attract more audience to your website.

Use Trendy Keywords

This is the first principle through which you can increase your Fashion SEO. Using the right keyword for your post will make it easier for your viewers to discover you more easily. It will help your website to get noticed if you use the specific keyword for your fashion post.

There are lots of keywords and everyone wants to get on the top but you need to find your way. Mentioning the specific keyword for your post will help you get noticed on the search engine as other websites must be using the same keyword.

Valuable Contents

When it comes to SEO content plays an important factor. If you post valuable content you will automatically attract viewers. Everyone wants to see a valuable post when it comes to fashion and if you post something that doesn’t help the audience and are uninteresting then you will lose viewers.

Posting daily or weekly which will influence your audience is a great way to increase SEO. No one wants to see a boring post try to engage your audience with your posts.

High-Quality Images

Posting high-quality images are equally important in the fashion industry. Visual content is more efficient than any other means in the fashion field. People like to see the images of your content you post and you don’t want to disappoint your audience.

Viewers will see the type of fashion styles you want to show them with your posts so you need high-quality images so viewers can see your vision and it will attract them. Posting realistic images can give your viewer the idea of your products on how it will look in real life because they can only see your product online.

Mobile Friendly

Creating a mobile-friendly in the 21st century is a big deal. We all are mostly on our smartphones and access every website mostly through mobile. So in this case it is very important to build your website for mobile users to gain more audience.

If you are missing this, then you are risking your business. Building your website for mobile users can significantly affect your SEO in a good way. Always try to keep it friendly for smartphone users as they are the main reason for most of the web traffic these days.

Make a Community

Interacting with others and putting your opinions can help you to build a community. You can share posts on different social media and you can interact with your viewers. You’re your ideas ask questions to ask for feedback. These small points can help you to build a community and you can even gain your audience.

Talk to other fashion influencers who are also looking forward to building a community. This will help your website for promotion and people will get to know you more. Replying to your customer question is a great way to engage yourself with the audience.

Website Interface

How your website looks and response is also a key factor to increase the SEO of your website. You don’t want your audience to wait for your page to load. A good website will load under 3 seconds and it is considered to be a user-friendly website.

Making your website user-friendly could depend on a few factors on how the viewers are responding to your website. The design of your website could also affect the SEO in some way if people don’t find your website appealing you may lose the audience.

You don’t want to compromise with your fashion website as many people are your daily customer and you don’t want to lose them. SEO depends on many other factors but here we talked about a few of the main factors that could actually help you to get on the top of the Google search engine.

You have to be patient it is not a one-day job to reach the top. A slow and constant effort will put you somewhere. Fashion social media marketing is a huge turnover in the fashion industry which is providing a great platform for the people who want to increase their audience.

Optimizing your website could take some time but you have to keep trying there are many people out there just like you who want to get to the top of the search engine. But you have to keep trying the fashion industry is a vast platform and millions of people are trying different ways to reach the top. Your contents are a major factor through which you can engage more viewers.

About The Author

Hermit Chawla is an MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by Fashion Marketing Online Services I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.

Top 5 SEO Solutions

If you would like to drive tons of traffic to your website this year, then you need to keep on top of things. You need to know the latest SEO solutions. These things are constantly evolving, so you want to ensure that you’re using all the latest techniques, as you don’t want to get your website penalized.

You want to tailor your website to your target market, you want to maximum visibility, to ensure as many people as possible find your site. Keeping up with the latest trends will ensure you do that. Your website should be made with all the best practices, to avoid any future pitfalls. So what can you do, to ensure business goes strong for the rest of the year and the years to follow? Well below you will find some ideas. Here you will find 5 SEO solutions that you’ll want to utilise, for this year.

1. Mobile-First Index

Google has already shifted their search engine over to the mobile-first index. This means, optimising your website for mobile viewers is incredibly important today. You want to ensure that you give your viewers the best possible experience, irrespective of the device they use to view it on.

Each year, we witness the same trend, more and more people, accessing websites via mobile devices. Customers want to have the best possible viewing experience, and they don’t want to wait. If your site doesn’t provide them with what they need, when they need it, they’ll leave. So always consider the mobile viewer when designing your website, making changes or optimising it.

2. Do Good Keywords Research

One of the first aspects of any websites SEO efforts is with its keywords.

Choosing the keywords with the highest search volume, doesn’t always necessarily translate into the best rankings. You need to put in the work, to ensure that you’re competitive at the top end of the search results of Google.

If you have already carried out an SEO campaign, then you should consider going back and doing a keyword audit. This should entail, checking every keyword, it’s search volume and competition level.

Take note of the expected rankings for each keyword. Have you noticed a falloff in your rankings since you created your campaign? Have you noticed an improvement? You should also monitor your competition, to see what keywords they’ve chosen and how well they are ranking.

Such an audit, should take you no more than a couple of minutes to carry out, but it can be very valuable when you discover other potentially high performing keywords. You may even decide to use the Keyword Planner by Google, to gather search metrics for your newly discovered keywords.

3. Remove Duplicate Content

Most people should know better than to publish the same content across many websites. When Google discovers all this content, it will only index the first one it finds. This means, all the other pages will fail to rank anywhere in the search engine.

However, your competitors can work very fast, in that many will scrape people’s blog posts and publish them elsewhere, across numerous websites, in hopes of hurting the website.

If Google is unable to determine who the original author of the content is, then you end up losing the content.

There are many tools that you can find online, that will allow you to keep tabs on your competitor’s websites so that you can instantly scrap their content.

When it comes to combating this situation, there are several things you can do. First, whenever you publish a new post on your website, you’ll want to request immediate indexing. This way, if your content is scraped, it’s less likely to show up anywhere in the search engines.

Google may still take its time to index your post. But at least you can firmly establish who authored the post with your request.

There are tools like Copyscape which you can use to identify duplicate content online.

In other situations you can simply contact the webmaster, and request they remove your content.

4. Brand Awareness

One of the best SEO solutions for this year and the years to follow, is the continuous brand strengthening of your site. When your brand features at the top of the search engines listing, it helps to convince people to buy from you. You want to create a brand that is highly recognizable and trustworthy. This will help you keep the loyalty of your customers, which in turn will result in repeat customers.

Social media is one of the most effective and efficient tools to use to increase you’re branding. And, despite the fact that social media ads do absolutely nothing for your SEO rankings, it does help to drive direct traffic to your website.

5. Improve Loading Speed

If your viewers are made to wait between 3 and 5 seconds to access your web pages, then you best believe they won’t stick around for too long.

When it comes to SEO solutions, this is a relatively simple fix. You want to ensure your site is loading as fast as possible, for everyone that visits it.

The best way to do this, is to carry out your own loading speed audit. Check how your website loads on an assortment of web browsers, including the most common, Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari.

You should also take a look at your server uptime. Server uptime tells you, how much time your site is up and running.

Downtime on the other hand, is basically the time when your website has become inaccessible to visitors. If your site is down for extended periods of time, then it can have a detrimental effect on its rankings.

There are server uptime monitoring services that you can invest in. Their task is to keep your site operation all the time. You should also consider contacting your hosting company, to ensure that they are offering you the best possible site speeds.

Author Bio

Uchenna Ani-Okoye is a former IT Manager who now runs his own computer support website https://www.compuchenna.co.uk.