Category Archives: SEO

Return on Investment for Various Digital Marketing Strategies

John Wanamaker, the pioneer of modern-day marketing once noted that half of his advertising budget went to waste. The religious leader, merchant, and political figure like many business owners of the day, also recognized that could not tell which half of his ad budget went down the advertising drain. John Wanamaker’s fledgling business eventually grew from a successful department store to become part of Macy’s.

The prolific entrepreneur that John was would be very much at home with the modern-day digital marketing practices. Digital advertising usage has dramatically increased since late 1994 when the first known banner ad flashed on The launch of Google AdWords and Google Ad Sense in the early 2000s followed by Facebook Ads’ release in 2007 quickly turned the tide against traditional advertising methods.

They have given the marketer fantastic benefits, which include the accurate and precise measurement of advertising return on investment (ROI).

What is the ROI of Typical Digital Marketing Strategies?

The return on investment of any business process is an outcome of two main measurements; the cost of the process and the resultant outcome generated. The measure of costs and impacts is not a straightforward process in advertising. Consequently, large organizations utilize composite ROI formulas that factor in their multiple costs and impact variables. The ROI of traditional advertising, therefore, remains highly undeterminable.

The analytics of data in modern digital advertising, on the other hand, can reveal the minute details of ad campaigns and their ROI. So, how much should you expect from your online marketing efforts? The digital advertising ROI is a product of its revenue to marketing value ratio. The only question that you need to answer with your digital ad channels is, “how much am I generating for each dollar that I spend on marketing”?

A typical revenue to cost ratio for digital advertising is 5:1.  Therefore, a dollar spent on advertising should bring in a five-dollar revenue. If your advertising efforts can produce a 10:1 ratio, classify your online advertising efforts as top of the range.

How Can a Good ROI Be Improved in Digital Marketing?

Some of the costs that you have to factor in when calculating your ROI are;

  • Media spend
  • Pay-per-click costs
  • Cost of content production
  • Display ad clicks
  • Digital Marketing agency costs

Your ROI should cover all the costs of product processing and its marketing at the bare minimum. To cater to all these costs you need to place data at the center of your operations. Data-driven marketing can improve your ad ROI. Unfortunately, over half of all marketers do not collect or analyze digital advertising data. 

 87% of marketers that work with organizations that collect this data feel that this critical information is the business’s most underutilized asset. If your executives do not take data as a top priority for your business, then your ROI could remain in the dumps for a long time. To improve your ad ROI, 

  • Change your strategy and become a marketing driven organization that explores customer data in detail. These practices will bring new customers and keep loyal clients contented.
  • Set up SMART or ROI goals that have Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time goals such as an ROI of 5:1. These goals should factor in your business’s cost of production, industry, and structure.
  • Place an emphasis on data metrics that have a direct impact on your ROI. Overvalued metrics such as social media likes will not affect your ad ROI but will improve your SEO.
  • Use your data to identify new and old business opportunities.
  • Embrace predictive modeling’s ability to increase and measure your ROI
  • Use marketing automation tools to manage complex advertising campaigns that have tight budgets.
  • Keep experimenting and adjusting your strategies to reap the highest benefits from digital adverting.

How to Improve Your ROI through Digital Marketing Strategies?

Search engine optimization

SEO will optimize your website and enhance online visibility via an improved position in organic search rankings. Good SEO will direct more traffic to your site and increase your revenue. This practice will also bring in long-term benefits such as sustainable rankings, keyword targeting precisions, brand flexibility, and credibility. One other fantastic benefit of SEO is that it is an affordable and efficient way to boost your ROI.

Search engine marketing

These advertising strategies can rank your business ahead of its competition via sponsored ads. It is a source of short-term ROI improvement since it brings in quick leads. Nevertheless, SEM has the potential for long-term benefits such as increased visibility, audience development, precise targeting, and high-quality lead generation.

Content marketing

Providing value to your online audience can increase traffic to your website. Content marketing is therefore central to SEO. This practice has long-term benefits such as increased visibility, trust, reputation, and lasting value. 

Social media marketing

A good social media marketing strategy will increase your bottom-line by building your brand’s online reputation. Paid social media ads can significantly influence your ROI. Its benefits are that it is a low barrier entry, effective and affordable brand awareness tool.

Email marketing

Email marketing is a sure bet in ROI increase. Data shows 67% of all businesses consider it as their topmost source of digital marketing revenue. Email marketing utilizes promotional offers or newsletters to build subscriber lists.  

This channel will keep your customers loyal to your brand and attract new leads as well. This simple and affordable digital advertising strategy has the benefits of traceable data and an ROI focus.

Video marketing

This is currently huge in terms of getting users engaged and converting. Video builds trust quickly. And when well done, it can win you some loyal fans. Use a free video editor like InVideo to create awesome videos. Take advantage of royalty-free music if you want to play something on the background.


Digital advertising has risen on the back of online inventions in the display, search, programmatic and native advertising giving you a wide range of opportunities that can take your brand to its next level of growth. Promotional content in digital advertising is brought to the attention of your target market via digital and online channels. 

These may include email, social media, mobile apps, search engines, websites, or affiliate programs. Unlike the traditional methods of advertising in Wanamaker’s time that had a spray and pray outlook to ROI determination, digital advertising is data-driven. Data makes it easy for you to increase your digital advertising ROI and to grow your business.

Author Bio

David Freudenberg is apart of the Public Relations team at DJO Productions a multi-platform production website where videographers, producers, artists, marketers, and more can download SFX&Music, VFX, Media Elements, Graphics, 3D images, and more. When he is not building relationships at DJO Productions he enjoys fishing, boating, and hanging with friends.

Improve Online Presence: Proven Ways for Small Businesses

So, you have seen the bright opportunities of implementing digital marketing for your business. You are probably thinking of your next move on how to start your campaigns for better online visibility. As a business owner, it is imperative to find new heights on how to promote your products and services, especially in today’s growing marketplace and competitive business world.

There is no doubt that technological advancements and digital developments have changed everyone’s lifestyle. Today, people prefer the most convenient way to search for products and services. According to a poll conducted by Marist College and National Public Radio (NPR), 76% of consumers in the United States shop online. Experts also forecasted that the number of online shoppers can increase to about 300 million by 2023 in the US.

Given these numbers, it only makes sense why small businesses are now looking for ways to expand their network using digital marketing. In fact, even the most established enterprises are also shifting to online marketing.

Without a strong online presence, it can be difficult for your business to compete with others. There are several things, however, that you need to have in check before working on your digital marketing campaigns. Take note that this requires strategic planning and the right execution to become successful with your goals.

To enlighten you further, we will provide a brief guideline on how to develop a strong online presence.  Feel free to use the following tips below:

Understand your Business Needs

Before jumping to any online marketing campaign, you need to determine your business needs. Start with your vision. How do you see your business in 2 to 5 years? What kind of growth are you aiming for? Do you see your business in the ecommerce industry?

Are you trying to tap your potentials as the main distributor? Once you have your vision in place, you can proceed with shaping your brand identity. How do you want your audience to see you? Who is your target market? These are some of the things you need to have in check before establishing a strategy for your online marketing campaigns.

Set Specific and Realistic Goals

Goal setting is crucial in digital marketing. Make sure to enumerate specific and realistic goals. When setting your goals, you can follow the SMART principle (S – Specific, M – Measurable, A – Actionable R – Realistic, T – Timeline).

For instance, you choose Social Media Marketing for as your primary digital marketing platform, you can determine your goals by referring your business needs. Are you building your own community? Do you need more positive engagement?

Are you aiming for more followers? How much reach do you need for your campaigns? From there, you can cite some actionable plans such as developing a content strategy, running a paid ad, and so on. Provide a timeline for each goal so you can easily measure the progress of your campaigns.

Explore your Options

This is where online marketing gets a little bit tricky. Don’t get confused with so many digital marketing options available. Again, focus on your business needs and goals. Start with your current channel you’re using.

If you use business website as your primary platform, then you need to explore your options with Search Engine Optimization and Pay-Per-Click campaigns—as these two options are the most effective tools when it comes to boosting your website on major search engines.

On the other hand, you can also explore having multiple campaigns for your business. If done effectively, the results can triple in no time! For example, you can always merge SEO with Social Media Marketing. These two can go hand-in-hand, and could complement each other.

Develop a Solid Content Marketing Strategy

Boosting your online presence is impossible without a solid content marketing strategy. Up until today, content is the foundation of every digital marketing campaign. Focus on the niche of your business. Search for the most trending topics from your industry. Create a topic outline. .

Make sure to produce original, relevant, engaging, and well-written articles. You should also incorporate competitive keywords for both on-page and offsite optimization.

Be Consistent with your Strategies

Consistency is one of the main keys to success. Make sure all your digital marketing efforts are aligned with your goals. Revisit your campaigns and check the progress. Cite the areas you need to improve and make necessary adjustments. Keep in mind that every strategy is trial and error.

This is why you need to keep track of your campaigns. Use tools such as Google Analytics for more data analysis. These are just some of the things you can do to boost your online presence. Again, you need strategic solutions to achieve your goals. Be proactive and find more innovative ways to keep improving your digital marketing strategies.

Author Bio

John Ocampos is an Opera Singer by profession and a member of the Philippine Tenors. Ever since, Digital Marketing has always been his forte. He is the Founder of SEO-Guru and the Managing Director of Tech Hacker. John is also the Strategic SEO and Influencer Marketing Manager of Softvire Australia – the leading software eCommerce company in Australia and Softvire New Zealand.

The 6Ps of SEO & Digital Marketing

It’s a special time to become a marketing professional. Many of us are traditionally not qualified as marketers in the field of SEO. It takes a while to find it that marketing is more than just being rated high on search engines. 

Search engines would like to bring people to the best results, so user loyalty and happiness is possibly a factor for SEO ranking. Links and signals on the sites are still extremely important, but they will not be useful if people don’t engage with your website. SEO is also an important part of the marketing cycle itself, and effective SEO just serves to boost traffic and increase rankings.

In this post, we will look at the 6Ps of SEO and digital marketing. We will talk about how you can boost your SEO and digital marketing using these 6Ps. Let’s look at each of these six main fields of SEO and digital marketing.


The first P in the cycle is the product. You should work on your product before everything else. This is what you will be selling. For example, our company offers SEO tools. It lets our clients meet their business objectives and reduces the stress and pain they need to remain open to the SEO world. We are trying to save our clients time and money so that they can concentrate on the work they can do.

The cornerstone of your marketing approach is your product or service. You need absolute clarity in this regard because the product can affect pricing and promotions.

It’s only half the fight to be found. Your potential clients must be assured that their products or services will meet their needs.


Price is related to value naturally. However, pricing must also take into account the market’s defined prices in your industry. You cannot sell your product, no matter how attractive, if it is too expensive. Profit margins will be impacted if it is too cheap.

There is a pendulum of pricing that produces more sales at a lower price, but a higher price would produce more profits. Your perfect balance is based on your approaches for lead generation and marketplace.  

SEO is an excellent example of how difficult pricing can be. SEO costs about $100 an hour as per conventional wisdom. We also saw some very different perspectives on how customers were willing to pay, especially when it came to small business SEO services when they spent some time evaluating SEO packages and costs.


The third P is the place, and it hugely matters. Place refers to the target locations where you will sell your product or services and where your customers will be looking for your product.

If you’re a car mechanic, then it is very obvious that people go straight to Google. Nonetheless, specific people will buy for many things in various ways, such as networks, directories, and search engines. Identify where your clients are and where they must get the items you are selling.


Promotion relies on the consumer, and the right strategies also incorporate marketing channels creatively in order to maximize results. Promotions include social networks, search ads, online banners, TV, email, press, etc.

In our company, higher-level activities such as SEO tools work best for us as opposed to other ones. As an example, we have a Premium plagiarism checker for business that checks the plagiarism by comparing with millions of resources. It sets us a high standard and provides us more leads. Most of our tools are free, and we promote our free services as our strength. It means the promotions are very relevant, but you should be in the right direction from the beginning.

You have to sort out how you work together to improve your content, lead generation, and sales. You are generally competitive on all networks if you can find a method of being cheaper in price and deliver comparable quality.


Throughout our SEO and digital marketing strategy, people play a key role. Digital marketing is all about people. To show the perfect product to the right people at the right prices at the proper time.

You should know who your clients are. The segmentation of your consumers into different audiences is important for businesses. This tells you the right angles, purchase cycles, and complaints to build a successful marketing plan.

You should also identify your best customers and your customers like your product or not. You should know either your product is solving their problem or are they happy about your product or service. 


Processes are behind each Ps as the supporting tasks. Both direct and indirect purchasing activities may be subject to the process. If a consumer needs a refund, the company may continue with the correct specification of your customer service process.

Does your delivery process have ample flexibility for promotions across the world? Even a giant like Amazon could not deliver on his promise within weeks of his arrival, despite tremendous excitement and expectation from fans in Singapore.

It is in the specifics to create a great process. Writing down procedures and viewing them will help your company remain on one page and react in a consistent fashion to preserve the credibility of your brand.

Wrapping up

There are many moving parts here, indeed. These six Ps can be implemented in any order. Most people tend to merge promotion and place when they do this for their business and customers. The environment in which you work and the competition should be considered. It will be very critical that all these considerations are brought into line with flexible marketing success. You can boost your SEO through changing of your price if you measure the success of your SEO by how many leads you produce from organic traffic.

Good SEO cannot be achieved in a bubble. It is part of a broader system for marketing. As SEOs marketers, we must look at these other aspects and ensure that the work we do continues to improve.Try to consider each of those factors if you have a product or service that is not selling. Use a basic 6 Ps system to analyze your marketing. It will surely help you boost your performance.

How to Identify Bad Links and How Yo Can Remove to Your Website?

Any link removal activity starts with a backlink investigation. Now you need to understand that which backlinks you must remove and which you should maintain.

If you want to gauge the riskiness of the link, fundamentally, there are several components involved with determining whether a backlink is good or bad. Let me explain a few essential factors used by SEOs to examine backlink score:

Backlink Analysis Parameters

1. Trust metrics

You can find a couple of metrics within our industry that are readily available to help mention backlinks. The two which come to mind most frequently are Moz Spam Score and Majestic(or, better yet, the difference between Trust Flow and Citation Flow ). These two scores function differently. Moz’s Spam Score predicts the domain name is prohibited or penalized based on specific site options.

Majestic Trust Flow ascertains the trustworthiness of a domain or site predicated on the standard of links pointing towards it. While computed otherwise, the objective is to help webmasters identify which sites are trustworthy and which are not. While these are a starting point, they aren’t sufficient on their own to provide you with a crystal-clear picture of whether or not a link is bad or good.

2. Links with Over-Optimized Anchor Texts

If your website receives too many backlinks Using match keywords, Google will comprehend this as abnormal. It could handle as an Indication of Role in your overall search engine optimization strategy. Indeed, it can get your website penalized.

Let’s assume you have a wristwatch store. If too many anchor texts associated with your backlinks Performs a Sites link back to your website having “designer watches” as the anchor text, it can trigger Google’s spam filter.

3. Low Authority

Low-authority links – especially when authority would be expected by you dependent on the domain — are all-seeing. A fantastic link should come from a well-linked page onto a website. It’s a concern in case the difference between the Domain Authority and Page Authority is exceptionally high. It is one worth looking at, although it isn’t a signal that is solid. That is especially obvious in specific kinds of spam, like forum profile spam or paginated comment spam.

4. High Spam Score

Moz calculates the spam score to demonstrate that a website’s chances to be penalized. The more the spam score It can estimate with different spam topics, just like a minimal selection of linking domain names, a higher percentage of “trace” links, and so forth.

5. Unindexed Website

It also indicates that the website not indexed by Google, which could mean low quality.

6. High External Links

A high number of external links Can pertain to a Low-quality web directory, sitewide footer links, or junk opinions.

7. Foreign Language Sites

If your website is written in English, it nonetheless has a lot of inbound links from sites in German or Russian (or some other foreign language), this may likely throw red flags up in Google.

Final Thoughts on Identifying Bad Backlinks

Everyone knows that search engine optimization will be a great deal of work. Not only does it cost your time, but your full-time devotion is also required by it. It’d be a pity if most of those investments go to waste only because of the wrong links. With the tips above, you will be able to identify and deal with links through Monitor Backlinks.

From here, it’s merely a matter of time before your website attains its ranking potential.

How to Remove Bad Backlinks?

The link removal procedure can be time-consuming if you would like to do away with hundreds or thousands of links. Be aware that it’s not possible to remove all backlinks. To eliminate a penalty, then you have to prove to Google that you’ve achieved the best way to tidy your website’s backlink profile before submitting a disavow report.

Whether you’ve been penalized or not, removing bad backlinks is essential. It would help if you didn’t have backlinks that you’re not proud of. To remove backlinks, you have to contact the webmasters of the linking sites and ask them nicely to delete the link pointing to your site. Never threaten a webmaster and be very polite if you want to be treated the same.

Whether you’ve been penalized or not, removing backlinks is critical. It would help if you didn’t have backlinks that you are not proud of. To remove backlinks, you have to get in touch with the webmasters of these linking web sites and have them delete the link pointing to your internet website. Never endanger a webmaster and be very considerate if you want to treat the same.

Be prepared to send hundreds of requests.

1. Find the Bad Backlinks

First thing: you need to determine whether bad backlinks are making an effect on your website. Fortunately, you will find a Google backlinks checker that can jumpstart this investigative process for you.

Some great backlink checker tools include:

2. Request Removal from Website

It is removed by requesting that the webmaster well is near zero. It’s a step That said, the Odds of getting a low-quality backlink Google needs one to consider before asking them to dismiss the link, nevertheless, Therefore You should at least attempt it.

In almost 90% of the situations, you won’t find a way to locate the contact information of the person who has the use of this website. Most won’t have even a shared contact page for you send a message through – if that’s the case, utilize WHOIS Domain Lookup to make an effort to track the owner down.

3. Track and Monitor

Sending a removal petition to the webmasters of linking websites isn’t enough to remove lousy backlinks. You’ve got to track your backlinks to learn whether they have complied with your petition. If a webmaster does not respond within 2-3 times, then you can send them a follow-up email also.

4. Tell Google and Disavow Links You Cannot Remove

Google’s Disavow Tool is a benefit for website owners who have lost control of some of their bad backlinks. Even Though It must never be the first Way of dealing with a Terrible backlink, you can’t get yourself a link to go away. As we talked of earlier, Google’s Disavow Tool is Enormous Since it’s more of a band-aid compared to a solution, it comes in handy whenever you need it.

If you are going to the Google URL removal tool, first determine what links are awful and ignored by the search engine. List down all the links and domains then submits them to Google.

Final words Removing backlinks does take time, and you also need to be patient. However, it is a process you can do yourself quite readily or you can hire a digital marketing agency to accomplish the link removal task for you.